Three Key Innovative Strategies to Boost Personalized Marketing


    For years, brands have been honing personalization strategies that connect with customers and give them a sense of identity. To ensure that touchpoints are regarded as current, relevant, and contextual, many brands have relied on basic personalization, which involves incorporating straightforward data such as email, names, addresses, or recent purchases into communications sent through outbound channels.

    Many hours are spent by marketers looking for the most effective ways to promote a good or service. While emerging innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data-driven marketing will soon be significant, marketers must remember that marketing is all about human connections and that people significantly impact a campaign’s outcome.

    Marketers are looking at the idea of tailored content, which will be a hot topic in the next few years, to grasp better how they can improve human interactions via their marketing.

    According to The 2021 State of Personalization Report by Twilio, enterprises are having trouble utilizing this new paradigm; while 85% of firms feel they are providing personalized experiences, just 60% of customers concur.

    Also Read: Overcoming Pitfalls of Multichannel Marketing

    Personalization and the “gold rush” in MarTech

    More than 15 years ago, personalization marketing technologies sprang onto the scene to aid marketers in better connecting with customers through digital channels, including online, social media, and mobile. These tools assist marketers in testing various website offerings, colors, symbols, and pictures to enhance the user experience.

    However, they seldom provided any useful psychographic information about visitors’ interests, hopes, or needs. Knowing the consumer is much more difficult because of the cookie catastrophe and browser-based targeting solutions.

    As the third-party cookie crumbles, marketers must take into account all the numerous signals they are getting from customers, even the subtler ones. Prioritizing the information that will help them with their marketing plans will help them concentrate on creating possibilities for data collecting. With that, marketers can begin in order to develop strategies that have a big impact and enhance the Customer Experience (CX).

    This time, it is personal

    Effective customization is made possible by the volume and diversity of consumer data that is already available, including personal preferences, transaction histories, as well as social media activities.

    In order to build value-driven ads that speak directly to user interests, teams must integrate and curate the data they collect in addition to just capturing it. Although it’s not a simple undertaking, the benefits are significant. Fundamental change is taking place to well-known marketing methods, and this time, it’s personal. This transformation includes greater engagement, increased customer loyalty, and trustworthy conversions.

    Also Read: Leveraging Metaverse in B2B Marketing

    Personalization in the future will depend on relationship marketing

    Marketers must provide pertinent, tailored information along the customer journey in order to be competitive in today’s signal-saturated environment. Australian consumers are rewarding brands that prioritize personalization, according to a new eConsultancy report released in collaboration with Cheetah Digital titled “2022 Digital Consumer Trends Index: Consumer Attitudes and Trends in Personalization, Privacy, Messaging, Advertising and Brand Loyalty”, to feel like a member of a brand’s community, over half of the respondents disclosed that they would swap personal and preference information.

    Now more than ever, people are concerned about their privacy, which has led to a lot of talk about personalization. There is undoubtedly space for improvement for marketers. Making something relevant is one thing, but truly personalizing it is a very different process. Both may exist in small amounts, but they are distinct from one another. Is it contextualized marketing, customization, or journey planning? Those are the areas of uncertainty. Before they can attain genuine personalization, many companies still have a long way to go.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain