Three Key Features to look for in Marketing Automation Software


    Whether they are short on time or money, marketing automation is considered the savior by many struggling B2B marketers. The capacity to accurately measure campaigns across the whole go-to-market funnel and calculate the marketing ROI of the campaign methods is another tempting promise that it unlocks.

    Choosing the best marketing automation software for a B2B organization is difficult. Numerous automation solutions are available, but not all of them are appropriate for use in business-to-business settings.

    An automated platform is necessary for the B2B customer journey in order to facilitate marketing communications at each stage of the frequently drawn-out and occasionally complicated decision-making process, as well as to aid marketing and sales teams in better managing and acquiring leads.

    The following elements are crucial for B2B organizations considering marketing automation. What to look for is listed here.

    Also Read: A Look Ahead at B2B Marketing

    CRM integration

    Any marketing automation software a company purchases should aid in bridging the gap between the marketing and sales teams, speaking of streamlining internal procedures. Choosing a marketing automation technology that easily interfaces with the sales team’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the simplest method to achieve this.

    Without it, the teams are either siloed or propelled to manually transfer lead information (even if the tool allows for automated lead assignment). The history of a lead, including their online activity, the types of content they have interacted with, their email interactions, and so forth, must be visible to sales teams. As a result, they may customize their sales conversations to the customer’s interests and pain points, which improves their repertoire and increases conversion rates.

    The leads that marketing sends to sales must also be tracked, including whether or not they converted to paying customers. If they did, they must be aware of the sale’s worth in order to record it as a return on marketing expenditure.

    A custom-built integration should be possible and taken into account by marketers who use a unique CRM.


    When a brand selects its target market depending on the kind of product and services it provides, this process is understood as segmentation. In other words, they pick their target market after taking preferences, behavior, taste, and other variables into account. Marketing automation systems aid in segmenting these databases. A marketing automation system must also be able to manage and keep track of customer-related data.

    Also Read: Four Key Customer Experience Secrets for the Cloud Age

    Dynamic content

    There is no denying that personalization is essential to marketing success and will remain so in the future. Customers want customized, individualized experiences since so many businesses compete for their attention and because marketing technology is constantly evolving.

    In a nutshell, this directs to using a customized approach rather than a one-size-fits-all strategy when presenting prospects with content, messages, and calls to action.

    The right message is always displayed to the right person at the right time, thanks to a great marketing automation platform that allows marketers to add dynamic content to their websites, blogs, and marketing emails.

    This might take the form of dynamically modifying the landing page content and the email invitation for a webinar dependent on the industry a prospect is in. It can imply various calls to action for new and returning customers.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain