Three Ground-Breaking E-Commerce Strategies Marketers Need to Know About

    Three Ground-Breaking E-Commerce Strategies Marketers Need to Know About

    Due to the global outbreak of the COVID-19 and its impact, the year 2021 saw a tremendous shift in the e-commerce business. The pandemic ushered in a paradigm shift from “the normal way” to “the new way,” from enhanced automation to Artificial Intelligence (AI) to virtual and augmented reality.

    Today, even non-marketers can undoubtedly explain the KPIs that influence their CPC and affect their CPA to evaluate their ROI because e-commerce is such a critical topic right now. An e-commerce campaign’s objective should not simply be to complete sales; it should also provide customers with an online shopping experience that builds brand loyalty and future brand ambassadors.

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    With that in mind, here are a few e-commerce pointers for creating an effective online business marketing strategy.

    Set e-commerce objectives

    Setting goals is the first stage in developing an e-commerce strategy. With clear goals in place, marketers will be able to analyze the performance of their online shop and the efforts of their e-commerce campaign, whether the aim is to attract a particular number of consumers or earn a given amount of income within a specific time period. Marketers must ensure that their objectives are measured against industry standards and that quantifiable benchmarks are established.

    Setting targets and key results is a brilliant place to start. Objectives describe the aim, and the activities marketers take to get there are characterized by critical results.

    Exploit social commerce to provide a more seamless client experience

    Diversifying where products can be obtained can be really beneficial. It can help lessen the friction that comes with going from a social network to a website. Platforms for social media have shifted from “top of funnel” to “mid-funnel” to—in some cases—the entire funnel. In addition, if marketers are already using social media to raise awareness, why not cut away the “middleman” of the landing page and provide buyers a means to buy the product straight from multiple social media platforms?

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    According to Accenture, by 2025, social commerce buying is expected to be worth USD 1.2 trillion. With options ranging from direct purchase to virtual reality product experiences, marketers have gone well beyond clicking a “like” button.

    Every brand and company model is unique, but when customer behavior shifts, marketers must be prepared to adapt and even take risks.

    Determine a distinct value proposition

    Online customers manage to conduct a great deal of research before making a purchase. This means that customers will almost certainly compare the items or services offered by marketers to those offered by competitors.

    Marketers should establish and communicate their brand’s distinctive value proposition to potential customers. The value proposition responds to a critical question that every e-commerce consumer has: “Why should they buy from that particular brand rather than their competitors?”

    It explains how marketers alleviate consumer complaints and improve their experience by delivering value. It might allude to certain segments such as how the product is environmentally friendly, cost-effective, ships quickly, or is simpler and handier.

    When developing a value offer, marketers must consider the pain points, desires, and needs of buyer personas.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain