Three Essential Brand Management Techniques for a Hybrid Workplace


    The hybrid working model now has more global traction. It is essential that everyone, including marketing teams, find methods to make these models work without sacrificing the credibility and strength of their brand because more and more professionals are enjoying the flexibility that this approach offers.

    The uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and voluntary return-to-office rules are altering company cultures and operations. This change’s effect on the company’s brand is one of its unanticipated consequences.

    The culture is reflected in the brand. Managing the brand in a hybrid work environment is even more of an operational difficulty.

    Culture is more difficult to develop, strengthen, and transmit when individuals are not physically there, and the same is true of brands.

    Although combining these advantages and more, hybrid work can also present a number of additional difficulties, many of which center on communication and organization.

    These are the two characteristics that every successful marketing team must have. Without them, campaigns degenerate into disorganized shambles. Assets start to fluctuate or get lost in the mix. Jobs are duplicated or completely disregarded. And as a result, the brand’s reputation may suffer immensely.

    Also Read: Developing a High-Performance Marketing Team

    The following are three actions enterprises can take to maintain brand integrity when using a hybrid workforce.

    Promote the brand

    Marketers need to develop a communications strategy for communicating the brand to employees, whether they are starting over with a rebrand or simply realizing that it is a good time to strengthen their positioning in this new hybrid environment. In order to share their brand story and style guide, marketers must give a webinar or make a video. They should also give new remote team members branded merchandise and a QR code so they can view and download the logo and guide files. During the pandemic, many people switched jobs and began working for new companies, although they have never visited the workplace or interacted with coworkers in person. It’s crucial to adopt a more proactive stance in order to incorporate remote workers into the corporate culture. By holding a video contest for storytelling or elevator pitches, marketers may add some fun to a brand launch. There are countless ways to make sure the brand’s execution is successful.

    Revisit the brand’s style manual

    A brand style guide specifies everything that adds to the brand platform, including the brand story and voice, color scheme, message, logo, images, fonts, and related usage guidelines. Employees are given clear instructions on how to represent the brand to the public, and all content and design are given guidelines. Marketers should make sure that their brand story comes first in their guide. Every memorable brand is propelled by a strong brand story that both frames the brand experience and provides context for the remaining sections of the guide. Additionally, it fosters a stronger bond between staff members and the brand.

    Also Read: Four Ways to Empower the Marketing Team to be More Agile

    Performing a brand audit

    An analysis of the company’s present market position, including its purpose, promise, values, and value propositions, is understood as a brand audit. An internal evaluation plus an external review often make up a brand audit. Any discrepancies between the desired and actual brand perception will be revealed by doing a thorough analysis of the competition as well as a deep plunge into the mindset of the main stakeholders (workers and clients) for the brand. It will also reveal the continued applicability of the brand platform. What was significant to clients and staff three, six, or eight years ago—or even before the pandemic—might not be as significant now.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain