Business Communication – Three Effective Ways to Plan amid Crisis

    Three Effective Ways to Plan amid Crisis

    Effective business communication is a vital factor especially during a time of crisis.

    Business communication has a strong impact on an organization’s products and services. If done effectively, it can help in bolstering profitability and if done poorly, the company can face a negative impact. The type of business communication in times of crisis is different from that in normal times.

    It is important for business leaders to execute their communication efforts and here are three strategies to implement them effectively.

    1] Avoid being an opportunist

    Avoid being a company that takes advantage of the situation in the time of crisis. For example, hiking the prices amid the pandemic can damage the company’s brand equity. It is important to stay away from opportunist tactics to drive sales via communication. Instead, focus on customer and relief by highlighting discounts or incentives the business is offering. Also, it is a good idea to highlight gestures the organization is making to help people cope with the crisis in a better way.

    Also Read: Managing Customer Experiences during COVID-19 Crisis

    2] Prompt sharing of information is essential

    Enterprise can send relevant information to people in the time of crisis that will help them make the right decisions towards their health and safety. Customers will not only remember such gestures but will also most likely appreciate them. It is essential to make sure that the content and information being shared is accurate and only from verified accounts. Instead of sending inaccurate information that can have adverse effects, it is better to send nothing at all. Another good step is to link or at least refer to information sources that are scientific and legal in nature.

    Also Read: COVID-19 – Shifting Marketing Messages is Crucial during a Crisis

    3] Having consistent communication

    It is essential for businesses to keep ongoing communication with all available technology channels during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Companies need to ensure they are not portraying in any way that they are in a panic mode and this is manifested when partners, media, and customers fail to garner a timely response from a company spokesperson. Being silent can create unnecessary presumptions among the partners and customers about the business. This can hamper sales, reputation, and other opportunities, as it can lead to poor customer service.

    Businesses also often lack PR responsiveness amid a crisis which can result in where customers are gathering incorrect information from a company’s social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter. This would affect customer confidence about the company and they may back out as they find it difficult to trust the brand. It is important to make sure a comprehensive communications plan is set up. Furthermore, it needs to be updated and accessible to communication leaders who are responsible to speak for the company.

    Also Read: Digital Marketing – Marketers Need to Tweak Strategies amidst the COVID-19 Crisis

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    Sneha Bokil
    Sneha Bokil is a Senior Editor with Ondot Media. She writes editorials on an array of topics ranging from IoT, AI, ML, and cloud computing, among others. She has over 9 years of experience in the field of content creation, where she has written on technology, both enterprise and consumer, and finance.