Three Best Practices for Leveraging Video in B2B Marketing Strategy

    Three Best Practices for Leveraging Video in B2B Marketing-01

    In recent years, B2B video marketing strategies have grown in popularity. From generating leads and successfully closing deals to achieving a high return on investment, video marketing has proven its worth.

    B2B marketers have a great opportunity to use video to enhance engagement, drive leads, and create a memorable experience for consumers beyond the product or service, leveraging everything from customer advocacy videos to webinar video content, product demo films, vox pops, and animations.

    Videos have become a convenient and effective way to show potential customers what a company has to offer. The majority of businesses today utilize video as a marketing tool, which is no surprise given that mobile video consumption grows at an exponential rate every year. Video marketing has become the new trend in the B2B industry when it comes to showcasing services and products to a current and potential customers.

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    Strategies for Video Marketing in 2022

    With the increase in B2B video marketing efforts, it requires a lot of creativity and effort to stand out. There are a lot of excellent ideas out there, but presenting them in the right way is the most difficult part. An idea may seem fine on paper, but when visualized, it may not be appealing. As a result, there are numerous roadblocks in the way of a successful video marketing approach. Let’s take a look at some best practices for a successful B2B video marketing plan.

    Align video content with the right funnel stage and channel

    Understanding the customer is a simple but often overlooked criteria for making video marketing more effective. Businesses should ensure that their video content strategy efficiently targets buyers at various points of the purchasing journey as they develop their video content strategy.

    Two elements that influence video content – are where buyers are in the sales funnel and which marketing channel the video is broadcast on.

    Videos on thought leadership and industry trends can push buyers deeper down the funnel at the high-funnel stage. Because they reach a larger audience, educational video blogs, for example, are the best-performing top-of-funnel content. For buyers in the middle of the funnel, product overview and case study videos are ideal.

    Video integration lessons, use cases and free demos are highly useful in the low-funnel stage. Customer testimonial videos can be used to create purchase action triggers and to assist customers at various stages of the sales funnel.

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    A successful B2B video marketing strategy should include both high-funnel videos aimed at brand building and low-funnel videos aimed at driving sales.

    To create stronger ties with potential customers, educate and engage them.

    The B2B purchasing process is no longer linear. Buyers bounce back and forth between important decisions including identifying a business problem, researching solutions, and obtaining buy-in from numerous decision-makers.

    Capturing the attention of the target audience is merely the first step in such a buying environment. Businesses must create videos that either educate or engage emotionally with their potential customers by providing helpful content and recommendations. Customers who believe that information obtained from suppliers is beneficial are three times more likely to make a bigger buy with less remorse, according to Gartner’s 2020 research report “Future of B2B Buying Journey.”

    To create recommendation videos, marketers dig into their areas of expertise. They can conduct an evaluation of the present products or services that their customers are using, or they could make a series of explainer videos. These will help them in attracting new consumers, retargeting cold leads, growing a loyal subscriber base, and increasing brand engagement.

    Track B2B video marketing activities

    Tracking is critical after the B2B marketing video has been created and released. This step is critical for two reasons. The first is that analytics reveal how effective the content was in achieving the campaign’s objectives. Second, tracking the outcomes over time might assist the organization to enhance B2B video marketing in the future—especially if the results were not as expected.

    Marketers will need to utilize different types of tracking based on the platform they use to publish and promote their videos. If the goal was lead generation, for example, monitoring the click-through rate (CTR) and conversation rate can provide a clear image of success. Businesses must look at how long consumers stay on the web page with their new video content if they want to boost their audience retention rate.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.