Three B2B Inbound Marketing Challenges to Look Out for in 2022

    Three B2B Inbound Marketing Challenges to Look Out for in 2022

    The primary focus of marketers pursuing B2B clients has been inbound marketing for years. And in recent years, the reliance on this technique has increased even more. However, in order for it to be truly successful, marketers must focus on a long-term goal, attracting and converting leads over time. Longer sales cycles are required here, as is a shift in their approach to inbound marketing.

    Inbound marketing is the industry’s dominant force for a reason – because it works. Inbound marketing strategies are created around the customer and their demands, rather than depending on conventional outbound strategies. Marketers no longer want to waste time chasing down leads; instead, they want leads to come to them when they’re ready.

    While a one-size-fits-all approach to marketing success would be ideal, even inbound marketing cannot provide that guarantee. What it can offer instead is a roadmap to success. However, that journey isn’t always as straightforward as marketers would want, and even the most well-prepared teams may face hurdles along the way.

    Here are the top three B2B inbound marketing challenges that all marketers should look out for.

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    Limited resources 

    This is a problem that isn’t limited to just inbound marketing. Having a restricted amount of time and resources is a problem that many face. Marketers will need those resources to put a successful inbound marketing plan into action, as it can be somewhat labor-intensive.

    In order to implement inbound marketing successfully, marketers must often produce a large amount of relevant content on a regular basis. Consistency is the key word here. They will also need to master SEO, utilise email marketing and have a social media presence, in addition to providing content such as blogs, case studies and white papers.

    If a company lacks the time or money to devote to marketing rigor, they can solve the problem by teaming up with freelance writers or agency partners. They may be jeopardizing the success of their inbound effort by going it alone.

    Also Read: Metaverse Marketing: Four Key Stumbling Blocks Marketers Must Overcome

    Target audience that is disengaged

    It’s important to have a sound marketing plan, but if the target audience for that strategy isn’t responding to it, there’s a problem. However, how can marketers define the issue? Or, more importantly, how are they going to address it?

    One of the most aggravating inbound marketing difficulties marketers have is a disengaged target audience. Even if they have a clear content strategy, their lead generation is still lacking.

    The solution to this dilemma is buyer persona development. If customers aren’t responding to marketing materials, it’s likely that businesses are selling to the wrong people, at the wrong time, or with the incorrect materials. Marketers should invest on building detailed buyer personas to ensure they don’t have to deal with this marketing difficulty for any longer than necessary.

    User engagement is low

    Sometimes marketers have a clear plan, the time and resources they require, are completely aligned with their personas, and have all of the necessary technology, but user engagement remains low. Sometimes it’s not a poor strategy that’s to blame, but rather a poor website user experience.

    A bad website user experience can be a major flaw and a major problem for inbound marketing, resulting in high bounce rates and possibly low time on page. Poor website design, user experience and mobile-optimization are all factors that marketers must consider. If they discover problems in any or all of those areas, they must address them immediately.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.