Three AI Slip-Ups that Hurt Customer Experience

    Three AI Slip-Ups that Hurt Customer Experience-01

    While AI enables the organization to optimize its customer service and experience, it can also have detrimental effects with faulty implementations.

    The rapid evolution of digital platforms accelerated due to the COVID-19, has influenced the B2B marketing space. While B2B firms have started incorporating AI technologies into their martech stack in the past few years, its implementation has never been more important since the pandemic.

    With in-person interactions witnessed restrictions, the use of digital platforms was accelerated. At the same time, the queries associated with the products or services have skyrocketed, making it difficult for customer service representatives to effectively handle. In such times, the implementation of AI technologies enabled organizations to address the most common queries.

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    Enabling AI bots to take on many customer service interactions, the customers have been able to get seamless support and tailored responses that draw on their data. Also, incorporating AI allowed organizations to automate the customer behavior pattern analysis. Yet, even with AI’s massive capabilities in transforming customer experience, its potential can be hampered by blundering implementations of panicking organizations.

    While AI empowers organizations to address certain customer experience issues, it requires a measured approach when implementing it into customer service.

    Here are five slip-ups that organizations should stop making before implementing AI into their customer service.

    Overlooking incorporation of the robot within the enterprise

    Most organizations implement AI-based robots (bots) and then ignore to properly integrate them into customer service operations. They think that their bots are capable of dealing with every human interaction. But, most of these bots are designed to take care of customer issues without emphasizing empathy. Also, most bots are not equipped to deal with complex issues, making it difficult for organizations to deal with customer frustration effectively.

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    When crafting the customer journey map and building the required infrastructure to support it, B2B organizations should ensure they have a roadmap to accurately scale any interaction from the bot to the human being without losing context in real-time.

    Automating as much as it is possible without taking personalization into account

    In an effort to provide a seamless experience to the user, most organizations integrate AI technology into their martech stack. However, to resolve the issue of AI influx, most organizations treat their customers as mere numbers on a spreadsheet.

    They increasingly rely on the accuracy of customer service metrics as well as scorecards while setting up their AI-powered service workflows. This results in a customer experience that lacks the human touch, leaving customers having hollow experiences that are not helpful and authentic.

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    To effectively capitalize on AI capabilities while aiming to positively impact customer service, organizations should maintain personal, human touch. Customer service representatives should know when to step in, while organizations fine-tune their interactions depending on the priority and uniqueness of their accounts.

    Not measuring the performance of AI

    Like any other system, organizations should strive to measure their performance at defined intervals. Yet, many organizations either fail to assess the performance of their AI tools while simultaneously opting for wrong approaches and metrics to evaluate their performance.

    When implementing AI for customer service, organizations should evaluate its performance in the same manner as they measure the performance of their human employees. Organizations should ensure that the implementation of AI should provide customers with a satisfactory experience just as much as when they interacted with a human representative.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.