The Role of Intent Data in B2B Marketing

In a competitive market, it’s critical to target the right audience. Having the intent data is essential for determining who to target and when, but depending solely on consumer data is no longer sufficient.

The use of intent data to better understand the audience is quickly becoming the future of B2B marketing.

One of the most significant obstacles to adopting intent data is determining its true value. The buyer journey and how customers make purchasing decisions are better understood with intent data.

Because there is so much content to pick from on the internet, users are less tolerant of irrelevant, obsolete, or erroneous information.

Marketers can use intent data to connect consumer demographics with purpose and use the results to guide every part of their content strategy, including theme, buyer journey maps, buyer personas, keyword strategy and content form.

Marketers can utilize intent data to learn what kinds of searches people are doing at different stages of the customer journey. Marketers can alleviate any possible issues and pain points by using these insights to develop content strategies and drive prospects through the sales funnel.

Understanding what the buyer is looking for allows brands to adjust their content to meet their needs, ensuring that they receive helpful and thorough information. Customers who are targeted with relevant content will get far better outcomes than those who are exposed to generic, one-size-fits-all content that skims over or overlooks the answers they want.

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Intent data can also be utilized to create more detailed buyer personas, which can have an impact on content strategy. Companies that understand the needs and pain areas of their customers may make better judgments about site navigation, product descriptions, CTAs, and other aspects.

Landing page conversions 

Understanding the intent of a customer when they land on the website allows businesses to personalize specific pages to meet their needs and move them along the customer journey.

For instance, if customers land on a page during the research phase of the buyer’s journey, populating the page with the necessary information will convert better than CTAs like ‘buy now,’ which should be placed on landing pages where users are ready to buy.

ROI of paid media 

Users who are targeted with advertising that do not match their intent are less likely to convert, resulting in wasted money. Tailoring paid media campaigns to search intent can help enhance performance by allowing marketing teams to make better use of their budget while raising conversion rates.

Search intent can influence the types of ads that brands deliver, as well as how much they bid on them.  In B2B, this may mean leveraging display campaigns to drive whitepaper downloads for customers at the beginning of the customer journey who want to learn more about a topic, and using PPC campaigns to target high intent keywords.

Businesses can also opt to focus more aggressively on high intent searches to get the most bang for their buck.

Effectiveness of email marketing campaigns

Businesses can leverage intent data to develop email campaigns that reflect the current stage of their customers in the buying process. Companies can use intent data to determine when their consumers are ready to convert and, as a result, when they should send targeted transactional emails to this demographic.

When customers have re-entered the sales funnel and are more receptive to transactional emails, such as sending personalized emails to someone who has abandoned the checkout, it can be all the push they need to complete the sale, and it can be far more effective than sending blanket emails to cold prospects.

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The future for B2B marketing 

Multiple decision-makers are frequently involved in B2B purchases, each with different intents and needs. Intent data can help marketers understand the various wants of each decision-maker, allowing them to give the appropriate information at the appropriate moment and move consumers along the sales funnel.

Marketers can reach out to prospective consumers and clients with the right material at the right time by understanding their behavior and triggers. They can target a specific profile of customers who are in the ‘ready to buy’ stage of the customer journey with this information, greatly improving the possibility of a purchase decision. Users who expect to see material that is important to them will simply turn off generic marketing campaigns provided to a random audience.

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