The Rise of Low-Code and No-Code in the MarTech Stack


    Low-Code and No-Code tools are on the rise across multiple industries, especially in the sectors of app and website development, automation, analytics, segmentation, and content creation.

    These platforms are tremendously evolving, and the demands for such tools and functionality will rise because all the traditional platforms are evolving to be obsolete with the current market demand. Low-code and no-code tools enable users to improve their accessibility, ease of use, and entire operations overall. Many CMOs have successfully adopted this technology in their MarTech stack and exploring opportunities for these tools in their operation to achieve the desired results. However, many developers and engineers feel threatened by the surge in the adoption of low code and no code, which is highly unlikely to happen in the future.

    There is a surge in the adoption of no-code tools in the MarTech stack because it enables putting the entire ownership of marketing operations in the hands of the marketers, which helps them to deliver their marketing campaigns more effectively, efficiently, and quickly.

    Another significant reason for the surge in the adoption of low-code marketing tools is that it helps the marketing teams to deliver better marketing content, analytical models, and strategies.

    Also Read: Developing a MarTech Stack to Deliver a Holistic Customer Experience

    No-code or Low-Code-Platforms in MarTech stack App Development

    As the entire business landscape, irrespective of the industry, size, or type of business, has become very competitive, organizations need to be on their toes to fulfill customer expectations. Businesses globally are embracing a digital-first approach; they are developing new applications to integrate with their MarTech stack to get a competitive edge and meet customer expectations. Embracing no-code and low-code tools in their MarTech stack application development processes enables the IT teams to design, develop and deploy applications more efficiently. As the low-code platforms have inherent visual user interface components, it helps the development teams to increase their productivity. These platforms are a perfect way to automate simpler coding tasks which enable full-stack developers to focus on more complex development challenges rather than being bothered with tedious or manual tasks. With such immense benefits on the development cycle, low code and no code have become one of the most adopted technologies in the MarTech stack.

    Also Read: Three Pillars of Developing an Efficient MarTech Stack

    No-code and Low-Code Machine Learning Platforms

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are one of the most adopted technologies throughout all sectors and have become inevitable parts of the modern IT infrastructure. CMOs that aim to develop advanced marketing tools need to train the algorithm for a longer period of time before deploying to ensure successful implementation. The advanced low-code and no-code machine learning platforms help the data scientist in marketing operations to deliver solutions quickly. These tools will help the marketing teams with a wide range of opportunities to personalize the pre-sales approach to satisfy their customers’ demands. However, this is only possible if marketers have access to the right tools and data to make strategic decisions. No-code and low-code machine learning platforms are beneficial tools for marketers to always seek help from the data scientist teams for predictive analytics. CMOs can leverage Low-code and no-code machine learning tools to ensure the entire development process is accomplished in a democratized approach.

    Marketing teams can integrate low-code and no-code machine learning tools into their tech stack to automate the process of applying ML to overcome marketing challenges in real-time.

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    Nikhil Sonawane
    Nikhil Sonawane is a Tech Journalist with TalkCMO. He has 4+ years of technical expertise in drafting content strategies for MarTech, Marketing Automation, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). His Commitment to ongoing learning and improvement helps him to deliver thought-provoking insights and analysis on complex technologies and tools that are revolutionizing modern enterprises. He brings his eye for editorial detail and keen sense of language skills to every article he writes. If he is not working, he will be found on treks, walking in forests, or swimming in the ocean.