The Rise of Composable Content Platforms


    To provide a better, more targeted, and seamless experience for their content producers, large and complex businesses, in particular, need composable content management. The goal is to give individuals an interface that is more suited to their needs rather than the typical one-size-fits-all approach, which is what has been provided by many vendors in the last few decades of digital solutions.

    People have evolved in terms of how they prefer to work and develop content. Customers’ preferences, too, have changed, resulting in new trends in experiences that are more connected, faster, and adaptable. A new category of content management called composable content reflects the tools enterprises use to build these experiences.

    Rebecca Wettemann, CEO of Valoir, says, “It’s the end of the content as we know it- The past two years have seen big changes in digital experiences, with companies moving rapidly to support contactless browsing and buying experiences and digital selling. However, many organizations are still playing catch up with disparate content and digital asset management systems and parallel development, curation, and deletion processes – creating productivity drains and brand issues.

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    It’s time for content to catch up. Much like the internal intranet rebuilds we saw in the early 2000s, companies looking to do more with fewer resources while enabling digital channels will look to composable content platforms to ensure global consistency while reducing costs.”

    It Goes Beyond Content

    Composable content management involves more than just modifying the editorial interface to suit the needs of content creation. Adding personalization or composable commerce so that editors can seamlessly offer content for tailored experiences or content that narrates the story about the product that is not just about SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit) in the commerce system are all examples of composable elements that make up the larger stack, which includes composable content management.

    Also, all of the composable components come together to form the Digital Experience Platform (DXP), which drives the digital experience across channels.

    Giving brands the “power of choice” is the goal of composability. By reducing complexity and allowing developers to choose the front-end frameworks most suited for the job, no-code composition tools empower business users to develop, implement, and iterate.

    This implies that companies can begin creating their solution right away, let developers select the finest framework, and then add composable components, such as headless commerce or CMS. Since they don’t need to be experts in more legacy monolithic systems, this opens up access to additional agencies. Instead, they can choose those that excel at designing captivating front-end experiences.

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    Helps Unify Content Operations

    The fact that composable content management has finally made it possible for businesses to unify their content operations maybe more important than technological innovation in this scenario.

    Businesses no longer have to compel their digital team to employ the same functionalities. As a result, this eliminates the usage of rogue tools that aren’t connected, and the content team can employ a variety of capabilities and tools, knowing that they all work well together.

    Composable content management

    Composable content management is gaining the ground in the market as more people become involved in content creation and as digital transformation has accelerated so quickly over the last two years. The industry can expect to hear a lot more about composable content management in the future if the strong endorsement by most vendors in the market is any indication.

    Even though it might seem like the industry is constantly inventing new terms to address the same issues, the situation is actually more positive and productive: Companies are innovating to gain a better understanding of how to benefit from digital transformation. The understanding of the underlying issues that businesses are attempting to solve is shaped by incremental progress toward better tools and solutions.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.