Making Integrating Marketing Technologies the base for growth

    Integrating Marketing Technologies

    The rise of the COVID-19 has shown companies how relying on traditional approaches can severely affect an enterprise’s growth.

    The world has seen a massive shift in the work systems since the novel coronavirus has changed the way we live. Business organizations, that have not yet adopted the martech tools that have been evolving over the last few years, could stand to face losses in their business competitiveness. If anything, the pandemic has taught companies that their biggest ally today is their timely adoption of integrated marketing technologies. If they are still surviving the terrible economic effects of the pandemic on business, they probably have these decisions to thank for it.

    Integrating Marketing technologies in business operations have proved to be invaluable, clearly, even though they are of a very dynamic nature, and extremely specific to business strategy alignment. Unless this alignment is tight, the benefits won’t be forthcoming, here are a few strategies that can help tighten the nuts and bolts for an efficient integrated marketing platform and a scalable, smart strategy thereon:

    The complexity of the Content

    Today, marketing content platforms cover a range of diverse technology systems. This leads to fragmented content and data, which can be enormous, adding complexity. Additionally, marketing technologies are ever-evolving, leading to even greater complexity. Also, the manual effort to enter content into each system can also lead to errors and affect the customer experience. Without a doubt, it is imperative for companies to maintain and synchronize their content, thus ensuring structured, synchronized content and data for the market. Clearly, the complexity of content, and how that is handled, plays a decisive role in the integration of marketing technologies.

    Awareness of Industry Marketing Landscape

    Every industry is different; its processes, challenges, and regulations, decide how a company should implement its marketing strategy. Moreover, partnering with a well-established marketing platform vendor will go that extra distance in better adoption and more efficient integration of marketing technologies. Hence, having a full understanding of marketing ecosystem can enable business partners to craft the integration workflow for a seamless experience.

    Using API

    To create a collaborative digital network, API is the best bet. But the challenges are still there-not all APIs are the same; some are simple as a data field, others are complex as sending a command. A well-crafted API strives for simplicity and makes its usage a lot simpler.

    With the implementation of an efficient API, a system’s testing and validation phase is significantly reduced. Hence, having a layer of integration for system up-gradation can enhance the chances of streamlining a system process.

    Choosing an Informed industry Right Partner

    It goes without saying, that choosing a technology partner that has in-depth industry information and a deep domain understanding of the customer base, their needs, the business imperatives to meet those needs, and finally the various layers of an evolving industry, is a huge advantage.

    In addition, their needs to be clear visibility to the challenges, the company workflow, the rest of the IT infrastructure, and the overall marketing ecosystem.

    This will help exchange key content and will make it possible for any company to reduce the technology overhead by as much as 50%. Also, the right business partner will enable the delivery of consistent marketing content and messaging, enhancing the automation of content creation in all channels.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.