Strategies to Measure Consumer Attention in Advertising

In the bustling media world, consumer attention works at a premium. Amid the proliferation of tools and channels, and the tidal flow of content, CMOs are hard-pressed to reach out to genuine people, catch their attention, and most importantly, to keep it.

There is a lot of focus on verification metrics like viewability and brand safety in the digital advertising era. But by understanding beyond verification and customer attention, marketing professionals can explore performance indicators that tell us how the ads are driving real business outcomes.

According to Forrester, 98% of brands believe customer attention metrics can boost mobile advertising.

Knowing whether consumers pay attention to advertisements, how they engage with them, and any action they take is the most reliable way to receive recurring success online.

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Here are five steps that will help CMOs take the ad-measurement strategy to the next level by going beyond verification and measuring attention indicators.

Measure Against Benchmarks

Use local and industry benchmarks to determine the success of the campaigns and then measure success over time using the company’s standards. The metric will ensure delivery of a better understanding of advertising performance while also helping to track progress over time. This leads to sophisticated knowledge of the campaigns and the most desirable areas for the high expense.

Never rely upon a single metric to determine the success

A blend of metrics is required to measure consumer attention accurately, as this gives a holistic aspect of performance. Further, capture every impression across every platform available and use an extensive array of metrics to discover how people engage with the ads.

Identify the Metrics that Drive Business

A fundamental part of useful measurement is selecting the metrics that work the best for marketing and business objectives. These will differ based on the business domain and the specific campaigns that a business runs. Therefore it’s crucial to comprehend every metric and performance signal.

Use Measurement Outputs to Deliver Compelling Stories

For publishers, attention metrics will enable the marketing professionals to define the importance of the media inventory and the quality of the audience. CMOs can infuse trust in clients by providing more specific campaign results with deep insights that unveil how people engaged with ads, what ads worked best and why.

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Understand the Core Attention Metrics and How to Apply Them

While finding the metrics that work best for businesses, some attention metrics will form the core of every measurement strategy.

Active-Page Dwell Time: This metric will help the CMOs to track the average time spent with content in the foreground tab of the network browser. It’s the most accepted method to measure time spent with content and can be used over the desktop display, mobile phone, and branded content.

In-View Time: This is a baseline attention metric to measure the average amount of time people spend with an ad once 50 % of pixels are in view for at least one continuous second. It is predominantly used on mobile phones and desktop displays.

% Video Played In-View: For video, assessing the quality of the video ad exposures, including a mix of vision, sound, and motion signals, is a must. This metric is the vital indicator of attention for video ads. It measures the percentage of the video that users watched while the ad was in-view.

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