Strategies to Increase B2B Marketing Performance

    B2B Marketing Performance

    Elevating B2B marketing performance is a multifaceted endeavor that demands a deep understanding of customers, a commitment to differentiation, and a strategic alignment with business objectives.

    Markets are becoming more saturated with stiffening competition. For brands understanding customer base and differentiating have emerged as important pillars for boosting marketing performance.

    Key strategies to enhance B2B marketing performance:

    Bridging The Critical Customer Understanding Gap  

    In most marketing exercises, there’s a massive gap between the perceived understanding of one’s customers and the actual efforts invested to achieve this.

    As per Think With Google’s, Consumer Insight Report,

    More than 40%of marketers are using consumer research to drive decisions

    Consumer research helps marketers understand customers’ needs, motivations, buying, and decision-making processes. This ultimately helps them to increase their marketing performance.

    As per Cintell’s report, High Performing Buyer Personas,

    90% or more of the customer database is mapped by persona , 50% of the prospect database has an identified persona associated with each record

    Customer personas are the basis of all marketing. It allows brands to tailor their messaging, product development, and overall strategy. This helps brands to meet their target audience’s specific needs and preferences.

    The lack of dedication to understanding customers has major drawbacks.

    For one, it leads to marketing strategies only partially aligned with the target audience’s needs and preferences. This results in inefficient use of marketing budgets and efforts.

    Moreover, this gap presents a strategic opportunity for those willing to invest their time and resources in deeply understanding their customers.

    By doing so, brands can stand apart from their competitors. They can better meet their customers’ needs and gain a competitive advantage in their market.

    The Power of Differentiation in B2B Marketing

    Differentiation is a strategy that, when carried out correctly, increases the success of B2B marketers across various categories. This includes lead generation, demand generation, and brand-building.

    Companies with a clear, well-articulated, and customer-validated differentiated position greatly outperform their peers in the technology sector.

    These companies are twice as likely to rank in the most effective group for their marketing efforts. This highlights the direct link between differentiation and marketing performance.

    Differentiation can be difficult to achieve in certain industries, like professional services. There, the impact of effective differentiation is even more noticeable.

    This means that in certain industries, products and services are often seen as similar or commoditized. A brand’s ability to distinguish its offering can lead to outsized rewards.

    Differentiation means identifying what truly sets a brand apart and validating it with its customer base. Brands must also consistently communicate their unique value proposition so that it resonates with their target audience.

    Also read: Benefits of Using AI in B2B Marketing Strategies

    Popularity and Effectiveness Are Separate Things in Marketing  

    In marketing, it is important to know the difference between the popularity of a tactic and its actual effectiveness.

    It’s a common misconception that the most popular marketing tactics are also the most effective. They may be widely discussed and recommended, especially in building a personal brand or a firm’s online presence. But that still doesn’t guarantee their efficacy.

    The tactics that dominate discussions and are implemented the most frequently, may not necessarily yield the best results.

    The appeal of new, trendy strategies can overshadow the importance of data-driven decision-making. Marketers may feel pressured to adopt these new tactics without considering if they fit their specific goals, sector, and target audience.

    Effective tactics vary significantly across different sectors and depend on numerous factors. This includes

    • The size of the deals a brand is pursuing
    • It’s core objectives
    • The specific characteristics of its target audience

    Marketers should examine the data relevant to their specific context rather than following the crowd toward the latest trend. Identifying the best tactics can help marketers develop a more tailored and effective marketing strategy.

    Aligning Marketing Strategy with Business Strategy

    In marketing, aligning the marketing strategy with the business strategy means that every marketing effort is not just an isolated attempt to attract attention. It is deeply connected to the core objectives and direction of the business. This makes each effort more impactful by resonating with the target audience.

    This is because the marketing messages, channels, and campaigns are all designed to attract attention. The right kind of attention that aligns with what the brands aim to achieve. This increases overall marketing performance across all areas.

    As per LinkedIn  article, Transitioning from lead generation to demand generation,

    • Brands that prioritize demand generation experience 133% more revenue than those that prioritize lead generation. This goes beyond lead generation by attracting leads and creating a genuine interest and demand for their services.

    So, aligning the marketing strategy with the business objective is critical to the success of a strategy.

    Gender Variations in Strategic Decision-Making

    There is a difference in the tactical choices made by male and female marketers in the technology industry. This disparity is particularly visible in how they tackle demand generation.

    Female marketers seem to prefer strategies that are more long-term in their outlook. They focus on top-of-the-funnel content aimed at the earliest stage of the customer journey. This includes using artifacts like thought leadership, industry guides, and whitepapers. These are materials designed to educate, inform, and nurture potential customers over time.

    In contrast, the choices made by male marketers appear to be more oriented towards immediate engagement and conversion. This includes nurture programs, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and programmatic advertising. These are more directly aimed at converting interest into sales or leads.

    Women are likelier to use account-based marketing (ABM) and influencer marketing. ABM is a strategic approach that focuses resources on a set of target accounts within a market. It uses tailored campaigns designed to resonate with each account.

    Men prefer nurture programs, PPC, and programmatic advertising. Nurture programs are series of emails or other communications designed to develop relationships with potential customers.

    Enterprises need a balance of both these approaches. Marketing teams need both the styles of reaching their targets.

    Impact of Demand Generation over Lead Targeting on Lead Gen Success

    In B2B marketing, a strategy that has proven to be more effective in generating leads is focusing on demand generation rather than lead targeting itself.

    At first glance, it would seem logical that a direct focus on lead generation, equipped with a deep knowledge of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), Sales Accepted Leads (SALs)/Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs), Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), would yield the best results in capturing potential clients.

    The strategy would involve using the entire arsenal of modern B2B marketing tools to identify and pursue these leads directly. However, there are more effective ways to generate leads.

    The distinction between demand generation and lead targeting is important. Lead targeting mainly involves activities aimed at grabbing the attention of in-market buyers, those who are already considering a purchase.

    While seemingly logical, this approach targets a tiny segment of the potential market. Depending on the source, in-market buyers might constitute as little as 1% to 5% of the entire market, especially in economically challenging times. Therefore, focusing solely on these buyers significantly limits the scope of potential opportunities.

    Conversely, demand generation covers a broader strategy. Demand generation doesn’t zero in on the small fraction of buyers already in the market. It aims to increase the overall demand for a product or service, thereby expanding the potential market.

    This approach targets in-market buyers and engages those who might still need to consider purchasing. Brands can tap into a much larger pool of potential leads by focusing on generating demand first. They can initiate conversations earlier, face less competition, and ultimately, have a broader impact over time.

    This broader approach is likely to yield greater success for several reasons. First, it allows brands to engage with a larger segment of potential customers, many of whom might be swayed over time.

    Second, by establishing connections early, brands can nurture these potential leads. It lays the groundwork for future sales. This groundwork is an investment in the brand’s visibility and desirability. This compounds over time, leading to sustained success.

    Finally, demand generation often involves tactics different from direct lead targeting. The usefulness of these tactics varies greatly between the two approaches, with demand-generation strategies usually proving more fruitful.


    In the rapidly evolving landscape of B2B marketing, staying ahead of the curve is not just beneficial—it’s imperative.

    By investing in consumer research and developing high-performing buyer personas, brands can significantly improve their marketing strategies and outcomes. Differentiation is a powerful tactic, especially in industries where products and services tend to blur into a sea of sameness. Moreover, recognizing the distinction between the popularity and effectiveness of marketing tactics can guide marketers toward more data-driven and impactful decisions.

    As brands navigate the complexities of B2B marketing, it becomes clear that a nuanced approach, informed by data and a keen understanding of the market dynamics, is key to achieving and sustaining success.

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    Swagata Ray
    Swagata Ray is a Content Writer at Ondot Media. She has done her master's in Mass Communication. Being from a creative background, she has a flair for tech and has worked as a journalist for a leading Indian newspaper (tech column). Swagata specializes in MarTech, Digital Customer Experience Technologies, CRM tools. Possessing a keen eye for research, her articles provide in-depth research content and easy-to-understand language. She is excited to delve deeper into the world of technology and gain a more comprehensive understanding of its intricacies.