Revolutionizing the Marketing Function with Digital Experience Platforms

    Revolutionizing the Marketing Function with Digital Experience Platforms

    The year 2020 saw witnessed a global shift in business priorities. Companies must be digital-first, allowing consumers to self-serve on their preferred digital experience platform. In the last year, eCommerce has expanded dramatically. Because of the heightened competition for consumer interest, businesses must redouble their efforts to stand out. Businesses need the right technologies to reduce friction in the digital experience and win in the experience economy.

    Digital experience platforms (DXPs) are the next generation of digital experience tools. A good DXP must simplify how companies create, manage, and track their consumer interactions through all digital platforms, with the audacious task of unifying disparate processes and linking interdepartmental teams.

    Since Digital Experience Platforms can be enterprise-wide in nature, the value they provide varies depending on the stakeholders involved. DXPs are valued by digital transformation leaders for their ability to iterate on digital products quickly and safely, while developers appreciate how they streamline existing pipelines. Marketers value the ability to develop personalized experiences for end users without having to code, while solutions architects value the ability to interact with critical business systems.

    DXPs provide great value to consumers as well. They want more consistent interactions that are relevant to their needs across all channels where they engage with the brand. Customers demand simpler, more meaningful digital experiences than ever before, as digital adoption rates continue to increase. In an attention economy, if companies can’t offer those experiences, potential consumers will simply avoid them.

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    5 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Digital experience platforms

    Customers demand continuity and convenience, which is why digital experience platforms exist. Platforms that can handle and track frontend interactions can address significant problems that arise from asynchronous information and technological mishaps.

    Reach the Clients Wherever They Are

    Clients exist in digital ecosystems made up of a variety of platforms. A CMS is the right tool for companies that have success engaging with their customers through a few static platforms, such as smartphone and web. DXPs can help centralize content and data to provide cohesive experiences that are important to each channel if clients connect with the brand through web, mobile apps, smartwatch, email, social media, and so on. A DXP can aid in the reduction of their complexity.

    Migrate Away from Legacy Systems

    As businesses embrace cloud architectures and reconsider their legacy systems, opportunities for process improvements emerge. Scalability, low latency, and more powerful DevOps cycles are all aided by distributed computing resources. Many companies search for tools that allow for robust integration through these changes. DXPs are becoming popular as a way to consolidate frontend infrastructure and provide a shared ground for marketers, developers and UX specialists.

    Streamline Content Development and Distribution

    A DXP’s ability to handle content from all sources, guide it to its desired endpoints through APIs, and track who interacts with that content, as a part of what makes it so powerful. As channel traffic is compared to the target audience, content can be validated and iterated more quickly, allowing teams to concentrate on what matters most to the clients. Furthermore, sophisticated personalization features enable teams to create digital user experiences for each of the ideal customer profiles.

    Augment Incomplete Data

    As per a 2020 Bloor Research study, data is seen as one of the most valuable assets by 85 percent of companies, but only 35 percent of executives trust their own data insights. When clients communicate with websites and portals, DXPs aid in the unification of data sources. Allowing for top-down data standardization and integration with ERP, CRM, or Google Analytics provides a more accurate picture of who the customers are.

    Also Read: C-Suites Fall Prey to Misconceptions Associated with the Digital Experience Platforms

    Quickly Adapt to Data-Driven Decisions

    DXPs offer businesses command of their digital platforms. Businesses can tailor their digital platforms to their needs by having a deeper understanding of their customer base, favorite channels, and engagement patterns. Customer expectations are strong, according to 2020 Salesforce Research, with 76 percent expecting companies to consider their needs and more than half switching providers due to a bad experience. Data-driven personalization of digital interactions is an established competitive advantage, and DXPs excel at responding rapidly to evolving expectations.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.