Removing Silos and Operational Barriers is a Must to Enrich Customer Experience

    Removing Silos and Operational Barriers is a Must to Enrich Customer Experience

    Under the current market fluctuations, providing an enriching customer experience remains the top priority of enterprises, and this can only be achieved by fixing the internal organizational complexities.

    This fact is reinforced in the experience mapping journeys of firms, where they find “handoffs” during the journey to be the top challenge. Customer acquisition and servicing is not an easy process as it involves multiple departments, and moving across them is never easy.

    This is where experience designing comes in. Innovation is more about knocking down barriers to implement ideas, and less about generating brand new ideas.

    There are multiple barriers across three prime categories that need to be considered for customer experience enhancement: process enhancement, reorganizing operations, and technological investments.

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    Process enhancement

    Process enhancement is critical to customer success. Firms need to have dedicated teams to work on building stronger client relationships, stressing on joint innovation efforts.

    Communications should be centralized and focused on customer service. If not, losing all the client goodwill earlier earned, is extremely easy and probable.

    Six Sigma and other related process improvement approaches are critical to establishing CX capability. Process improvements can not only reduce handoffs but accelerate results and save costs – with works best for both the company and its customers. The only noteworthy point is that the voice of all such efforts needs to be customer-centric.

    Reorganizing operations

    This one can really be painful as existing silos are one of the biggest challenges in customer experience. Despite the challenge, separating or combining groups is the best way to enrich the journey.

    Project managers spend so much time communicating and resolving internal complexities that they only have minimal time to serve their customers well. Businesses had earlier centralized all the back-end teams, including IT and Finance, in order to establish efficiencies and save costs. The best way to improve customer journeys is actually to undo the centralization, putting the teams closer to the customer, so they are more responsive.

    Technological improvements

    As CX matures, technology is increasingly becoming a very efficient but common tool. But many firms still use manual processes to support the customer journeys – processes that easily break down under stress. Manual processes make it challenging to create additional operational transparency, educating customers on where they belong in the pipeline.

    Companies are using advanced technologies to streamline the journey. At a minimum, ERP and CRM systems provide transparency regarding the customer’s existence in the process, through onboarding.

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    Various journey orchestration systems help in automating the customer journey to send internal and external messaging whenever a customer gets stuck. CIOs are getting involved in customer experience, enabling a seamless, faster journey.

    While training has always been the primary focus in removing such barriers, it has limited impact. Process enhancement, reorganization, and technology, combined with training have immense power to remove existing barriers to improve the customer experience.

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    Debjani Chaudhury
    As an Associate Editor with Ondot Media, Debjani contributes editorial articles for two platforms, in collaboration with our global respondents and their marketing teams. With a prior global experience of content writing, Debjani is a seasoned journalist and Content Developer who comes with 3 years of experience with Fashion, IT, and International Marketing industries. She has represented India in International trade forums like Hannover Messe, Germany.