Rebranding the Marketing Funnel with Diamonds

    Rebranding the Marketing Funnel with Diamonds

    Considering marketing, sales, on boarding, and retention as two four-pointed diamond-shaped funnels that are vertically stacked and connected at the inner points, is the new model to strengthen client-brand relationships

    Technology and consumer behavior have both been exponentially evolving. Companies are left to innovate for new business strategies that majorly focus on customer nurturing, acquisition, and retention.

    In the early days, most brands followed the cattle chute approach, where customer journey was explained in four standalone funnels – marketing, sales, on boarding, and retention. Marketers would force customers down the funnel through persistent messaging. As this approach would not work anymore in the modern era where CX is the center of any business, the funnel needs to be rearranged. From a vertically stacked four-funnel concept to a two four-pointed diamond-shaped elements, the funnel is now vertically stacked and connected at the inner points.

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    Experts believe that this model enables the possibility of creatives that use basic messaging, and are layered to reinforce branding, social proof, and demonstrate the services or products offered. With a tailored method of providing information, there is a bigger focus on visibility and sharing of data that strengthens the brand-client relationship. It allows customers to make a much more informed decision.

    The first diamond arrangement, marketing and sales, are stacked together with the consumer profile at the top point. The wider part of the marketing and sales element includes brand awareness with an intended purpose, introducing customers to several value propositions, displaying social proof, and collecting feedback data.

    Experts strongly recommend multiple creatives to be made for every section as customer perspectives vary, and the exact element that reels them in is difficult to discern. Further active messaging and cadences could be made based on customer engagement, allowing customers to understand and decide the further steps. With more customer-relevant data points, the bottom of the diamond, customer acquisition, is visible.

    The second diamond that consists of on boarding and retention has better data points that can help brands create better on boarding segments to support the service or product chosen by the client. Further down the diamond is the method of providing them with several variations of the on boarding and retention process. Experts recommend brands to include the brand overview and its purpose, demonstrate the working of the product, offer other solutions to the clients, and bring in cases studies and white papers.

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    On boarding segments are necessary to fill the basic usage of the services and products offered. It is advised for brands to present the other important features after essential information is gathered from the first diamond and directly from the customers in the basic usage module.

    Meanwhile, at the widest part of the second diamond, onboarding blends with customer usage and retention. Gathering information about the customer’s experience with the brand’s service or product provides further insights for future improvements. Experts believe that with the two four-pointed diamond-shaped models, the customer becomes the role model for future customer journeys, and the cycle will continue.

    While customer behavior has changed, their demand to connect with the company and the services or products offered has increased. Creating a more tailored customer journey approach coupled with the increased use of customer insights is the new pathway for a long-term commitment.

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    Chandni U
    Assistant Editor