Practices that Sabotage the Impact of B2B Influencer Marketing


    It is, today, crucial for B2B businesses to embrace influencer marketing as one of their top priorities to stand apart from the competition. It is one of the most effective ways of marketing that has tremendous success compared to any other marketing channel.

    In the current competitive business environment, B2B buyers have become more demanding, vigilant, and more interested than before. As the B2B purchase journeys are even more complex today, one-size-fits-all marketing approaches have become obsolete and do not yield the expected results. Even though influencer marketing enables businesses; to penetrate the right target audience with ease and has higher conversion rates. However, a few businesses do not have effective influencer marketing strategies implemented, which might be sabotaging their entire pre-sales efforts.

    Here are a few strategies that CMOs can consider while integrating influencer marketing to ensure that they don’t sabotage their own efforts.

    Also Read: Strategies to Leverage B2B Influencer Marketing

    Selection of the wrong influencer

    While partnering with B2B influencers, businesses shouldn’t partner on the first day of their research. It isn’t an effective way of designing a marketing strategy. Businesses that do not want to sabotage their B2B influencer marketing efforts need to partner with an influencer as an afterthought instead of developing a marketing strategy based on them. Exploring, analyzing, and selecting a B2B influencer that suits the brand’s niche is not a one-day task. Finding the right influencers can be a daunting task because the influencers should be able to add credibility to the brand and have a reach to the right audience. To avoid sabotaging the B2B influencer marketing efforts businesses need to have effective research and development teams to explore the entire influencer market and select the right influencers to improve the conversion rates. It is crucial for marketers to select an influencer partner that enables them to develop and deliver high-quality, engaging content that helps businesses to interact with their prospects.

    Do not go for the Hype

    B2B marketing teams, while looking out for influencer marketing opportunities, should not fall for the number of followers of the person and rather consider the person’s ability to influence the IT decision-makers.

    One of the crucial factors that businesses need to consider is that majority of the decision influencers do not market themselves as an influencer. Enterprises that go for the Hype of the influencer instead of its capabilities to influence the IT decision-makers are sabotaging their efforts. B2B CMOs can consider designing a B2B influencer marketing strategy based on industry veterans, expert communities, publications, and industry-related events to effectively create brand awareness. CMOs should determine which influence marketing they should embrace based on their requirements. Enterprises can even implement online and offline influence marketing strategies to create a better impact in the total addressable market. Marketers need to evaluate the industry veterans’ influence by selecting topics that are relevant and new to the communities. Businesses that are able to identify the right customer pain points and define a content marketing strategy based on it will help to have a better impact on their RevOps.

    Also Read: The Clicks and Upticks of YouTube Influencer Marketing

    Content Mismatch

    One of the most significant things that sabotage influencer marketing efforts is a content mismatch. Enterprises that have multiple influencers partnered for their marketing operations should ensure that they deliver the same content across all the channels. Content mismatches on different channels will create distrust in customers and drive them away from the brand. CMOs, while implementing influencer marketing strategies, should ensure they set stringent content management processes set to ensure no wrong message is delivered through any of the channels.

    Enterprises that avoid the above mentioned sabotaging B2B influencer marketing practices will be able to achieve the desired results.

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    Nikhil Sonawane
    Nikhil Sonawane is a Tech Journalist with TalkCMO. He has 4+ years of technical expertise in drafting content strategies for MarTech, Marketing Automation, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). His Commitment to ongoing learning and improvement helps him to deliver thought-provoking insights and analysis on complex technologies and tools that are revolutionizing modern enterprises. He brings his eye for editorial detail and keen sense of language skills to every article he writes. If he is not working, he will be found on treks, walking in forests, or swimming in the ocean.