Personalization and Marketing Automation – Getting the Right Balance

    Personalization and Marketing Automation – Getting the Right Balance

    Marketers are increasingly switching to automation and personalization strategies to understand their customers better.

    The widespread technological advances of AI and machine learning solutions allow brands to derive individual customer propensities. Unsurprisingly, it is highly crucial to achieve the balance between marketing automation and personalization. The critical role of marketing automation still remains underutilized in some instances.

    The key to personalization that provides as per expectation is – a 360-degree view of the entire customer journey. The accessibility of increasingly sophisticated tools for targeting and segmentation enhances the link between the consumer and the brand.

    Keeping aside the transformations in marketing technology, an array of communication channels, and analytics, personalization is still a distant dream for many marketers. The aim is to create and deliver marketing campaigns that customers could resonate with –in a more relevant and contextual manner.

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    According to a survey by Social Media Today, nearly 75% of the marketing teams utilize automation tools. Basically, modern customers are welcoming the fact that their preferred brands use technology to deliver better customer experiences.

    However, the same study noted that about two-thirds of the marketers are concerned that automation tools may lead to a dilution in the process of personalization. Thus, automation needs to be done correctly, matching with the ability, and related to the insights that brands need, to analyze and interact with the customer.

    For many prominent brands, automation has been aiding in creating hyper-personalization, and this has been the driving force of digital transformation – shifting the brand towards customer-centricity. In fact, this would not have been this easy without data consolidation, given the density of omnichannel strategies and digital communication.

    For better personalization, the implementation of advanced technology is essential

    Continually tracking campaign performance and getting insights are the tasks that marketing automation delivers. With digitization and technical enhancements, marketing tools have become deeply intuitive, and they can provide brands with relevant information – to help improving marketing campaign performance and add more revenue.

    Apart from reach, engagement and conversion, businesses need to go deeper and be more defined, and thus, they need to invest in the next-gen marketing automation tools. As per experts, automation solutions with embedded artificial intelligence, machine learning, and algorithms needed to be at the core of the platforms – illustrating their power to analyze performance at scale and individualized customer interactions.

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    Similarly, the use of predictive as well as prescriptive analytics can help pick up marketing performance with enriched experiences for discerning customers, ultimately deepening engagement. Together, these can empower market leaders to assess revenue contributions at the segment-of-one stage and achieve ROI along with multiple dimensions.

    Clearly, marketing automation and personalization are inextricably associated with the betterment of businesses. The focal point is- marketing automation allows individualized customer engagement, the baseline for digital transformation among marketing organizations –from click to conversion.

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.