Making an Impact on Business with Marketing Efforts

    Making an Impact on Business with Marketing Efforts-01

    The rapid digitization due to the onset of the COVID-19 has shown industries the importance of marketing to drive conversion. Hence, CMOs should take steps to let their counterparts know about their team’s contribution.

    Winning the trust of today’s customers in the competitive marketplace is not easy. While brands are continuously opting for the latest martech stack to advance their efforts, it is not enough. They need to acknowledge today’s B2B buyer’s behavior, buyers who are increasingly opting for self-service while their purchase intent is visible. In fact, as per McKinsey’s 2020 US B2B decision-maker survey, 90% of respondents are willing to opt for digital self-service to make a B2B purchase decision. The same survey also found that only 20-30% of B2B buyers state that they will want to interact with sales reps post-COVID.

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    Today’s CMOs require a strategic alignment and a mature marketing mindset, along a powerhouse of automation platform that is aligned with the executive leadership team. The B2B marketplace requires the marketing department to collaborate with sales to bring a humane experience. Here are a few steps for CMOs to get the attention of the board, and make an impact on the rest of the business:

    ●       Knowing the requirements of the business

    Before pitching the marketing plan, CMOs should understand what their business is focusing on. They should be proactive in their approach and engage with their leadership team on key initiatives as well as projects that the organization is moving forward with. The business objectives should be at the front and center of the marketing plan. This will make it much easier for brands to carve a marketing plan that not only drives the overall business goals but also make it much easier to get the required budget allocation.

    ●       Taking a new approach to marketing

    As per industry experts, many CMOs are still guilty of using the same marketing campaign plan with a few edits to give it a refreshed look. However, this results in them not being able to measure the impact of their campaign’s success. Instead, they should opt for taking an entirely different approach. They should suggest to their B2B marketers to change the way they deliver their messages. While this will not guarantee success, it will enable them to understand what is working and what is not.

    Also Read: Automating Behavioral Data Can Change the Marketing Game

    ●       Hire candidates having hard and soft skills

    Most of the CMOs are guilty of seeking out candidates that have a lot of experience and knowledge, degree level accreditation, and qualifications that are rarely available. They should understand that their candidates can learn most of the responsibilities on the job itself. Therefore, it is crucial that CMOs pay attention to the soft skills of the potential candidates. They should hire people who may not have all the hard skills but to have the right development and learning paths.

    ●       Inspiring and empowering the board members and the staff

    CMOs should often have meetings with their B2B marketers to gain insights as well as understand the changing landscape of the buyers. They should understand what matters the most when it comes to KPIs as well as spark emotion in the content they want to deliver. They should help the businesses to understand what the business stands for, what makes it unique and why the workforce should be proud of it. Not only that, CMOs should also take steps to teach something new while giving perspective on the cutting-edge innovations in the tech stack.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.