Leveraging a Modern MarTech Stack to Enhance Customer Journey

    Leveraging a Modern MarTech Stack to Enhance Customer Journey

    Once the right MarTech stack has been established, marketing leaders have everything they need to improve the customer journey across all physical and digital touchpoints. No customer experience or engagement being offered will be underutilized. The deepest needs of their customers can now be discovered, allowing them to create compelling experiences.

    The customer journey is vital as consumers care deeply about their interactions with businesses. According to a recent Salesforce study, “State of The Connected Customer, 5th Edition,” 88 percent of customers believe that a company’s experience matters as much as its services or products, up from 80 percent in 2020. Having a great product is obviously only a small part of the solution. But marketers need complex MarTech stacks to deliver excellent consumer experiences consistently.  

    However, there is no one-size-fits-all blueprint and creating a solid MarTech stack is easier said than done. Therefore, marketing leaders must select the best solutions for their requirements. The next step is to create an environment where all tools are seamlessly integrated. 

    As a result, companies can assess and improve the customer journey and marketing performance. They can confidently allocate their marketing budget and highlight what makes them great marketers. Understanding how the various layers of the MarTech stack impact touchpoints along the customer journey, from physical to digital channels, is crucial.

    Marketing Automation 

    Marketing automation is the foundation upon which the modern MarTech stack is built. The integrated, multi-channel strategy that brands seek is made possible through automation. Marketers cannot reach everyone, regardless of where they are in the customer journey, without the help of marketing automation tools. They also find it challenging to analyze all aspects of their marketing plans.  

    Customers are more inclined to stay loyal and promote certain brands when their particular needs are satisfied. This is all made possible by automation, which, when done correctly, improves touchpoints across the customer journey and helps establish trust with customers.

    Direct Mail Automation

    Another vital component of the MarTech stack is direct mail automation. Direct mail has traditionally needed a lot of manual effort. Marketers can now streamline a lot of what they used to do in terms of direct mail and coordinate direct mail campaigns with other initiatives.

    Marketers can increase sales and monitor specific metrics by incorporating direct mail into a larger, digitally enabled marketing environment. Customers can have consistent experiences across online and offline touchpoints, forging lasting memories that set brands apart from the competition.

    Also Read: Four Crucial Elements to Creating a Successful Customer Journey Map

    High-quality content is distributed to customers more quickly with the help of a well-made direct mail automation platform. Customers feel they are connecting with an attentive, thoughtful company because it integrates with other marketing channels. Additionally, direct mail automation frees marketers from tedious logistics so they can devote more time to pushing content that connects with specific consumers. 

    Content Management System (CMS)

    Like marketing automation tools, a robust Content Management System (CMS) improves each stage of the customer journey. Engaging content makes consumers enticed to learn more about a company, product, or service. Additionally, it demonstrates why the services satisfy customer needs. To be clear, enhancing content experiences involves more than just producing content. 

    Customers should be seamlessly be able to find, utilize, and interact with anything the marketing team does with the content experience tools and CMS. These solutions need to also to reveal whether or not the audience connects with the content. With this knowledge, marketers can decide which content is most effective for connecting with customers at various points in their customer journey.

    Make The Most of Each Customer Touchpoint

    Managing customer data, ongoing engagement with users, publication of pertinent content, real-time identity resolution, and robust analysis are now easier than ever, thanks to the next generation of MarTech solutions. To unleash the full potential of their marketing team, marketing leaders need to leverage the latest technologies. Additionally, they need the integration of these tools to orchestrate all the requirements of their modern marketing function.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.