Quick Ways to Improve & Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates

    Quick Ways to Improve & Increase Landing Page Conversion Rates

    Conversion rate optimization for landing pages enables marketers to maximize their marketing budget and convinces the top prospects to take action on a landing page.

    HubSpot shares in its study titled  11 Stats That Make a Case for Landing Pages that the average landing page conversion rate is 9.7% across all industries. For landing pages, the essential measure of conversions is through continuous improvements. It is not a good sign if the conversion rates remain similar each month because it indicates gaps in data collection, and it is inadequate to build successful landing pages.

    A Good Landing Page Conversion Rate—What Does It Mean?

    Marketers must create a strong correlation between data, website traffic, and conversion rates.

    As digital marketing is competitive, marketers must be extra cautious of what competitors do with their company landing pages to remain at the top of search lists.

    However, continuous improvement to a landing page is vital for high conversion rates. So, to increase the rates, here are some quick ways marketers can improve and increase landing page traffic.

    Also Read: Ways Businesses Can Optimize Website Conversion Rates

    Understand Campaign Goals

    Misleading campaign goals are one of the significant issues with most landing pages. Marketers lack focus on a particular campaign goal, affecting conversion rates. Landing pages that offer multiple services and offers confuse users. As a result, they lose interest, affecting hits and conversion rates.

    With digital marketing, brands must be cautious of aligning campaign goals with business needs to plan on landing pages. It is critical to creating focused landing pages that consist of one solution or service information. Marketers creating landing pages with a focused solution can catch audiences’ interest which may result in better conversion rates. As the landing page aims to generate leads, brands, and marketers must be creative yet informational.

    Create CTAs that Stand Out

    A call-to-action must be unique to increase conversion rates. Poor landing page interface, content, and the goal behind landing page creation result in audiences skipping CTAs. So, to make CTAs appealing, marketers must include more graphics and good content, choose the correct place that gets maximum traction, and encourage them to sign up, resulting in faster conversion rates.

    CTAs are one of the essential elements of a landing page that gets users’ attention. Here are some points marketers must consider for creating landing pages for their next marketing quarter.

    • Size: Ensure the CTA is visible. The space should be sizable so users can spot it and take action easily. The navigation of the button to the required page is another critical factor marketers should not skip. Overall, CTA should be the right size and sync with the layout.
    • Color Scheme: Marketers must ensure the CTA space remain in contrast in color to the background. They need to determine which color scheme fits well with the brand image.
    • Communication: It emphasizes the importance of the CTA and the intent behind the concept of landing page promotion. Instilling a sense of urgency or need for the particular product/service is recommended to improve the conversion rate.

    Highlight the Brand & Service Value

    Landing pages are creative and informational marketing assets brands create to provide a quick glimpse of their latest services or products to audiences, customers, and potential customers. That makes marketers include the value of offerings for users creatively to gain attention. That’s called value proposition, and it should be exceptional that encourage them to opt-in, thus helping brands to experience rising conversion rates. The landing pages must possess the right value proposition to attract what audiences seek from the brand. Brand messages should resonate with targeted audiences.

    Improve Page Loading Time Duration

    Crafting the right landing pages with perfect content, images, and UX/UI is easy. However, it is a matter of concern if the loading time is high. Brands must focus on how landing pages load and the duration of fully loaded landing pages—a perfect landing page loads in seconds. So, if pages take longer, the conversion rate may drop as audiences must haven’t been unable to reach the CTA due to low loading page speed.

    Google PageSpeed Insights will give you suggestions for reducing page loading time. Marketers must leverage it to ensure and fix landing page loading time that automatically improves the backend SEO activities.

    SEO-Friendly Landing Pages

    Brands creating landing pages must stress the SEO mechanism to help them rank on search engines among users. It is because audiences find landing pages through organic search. Marketers must analyze the industry-driven top keywords, adequate back-linking of landing pages to the required source, such as websites and social media accounts, categorize keywords into long-tail and short-tail, and use keywords in titles, meta descriptions, and header tags. Another HubSpot study in 11 Stats That Make a Case for Landing Pages mentions that brands using optimization software for their landing pages perceive an average rise of conversion rates of 30%.

    Another scope of improving conversion rates through building SEO-friendly landing pages is making conversational content sharable. This means marketers can create content and allow sharing to different company social accounts for more reachability and awareness, thus boosting visibility. If the content is conversational and resonates with the targeted audiences, landing pages can be more effective. Therefore, leveraging social proof by including social media “share” buttons on a landing page can encourage prospects to share it with everyone across social networks.

    Also Read: Boosting Marketing Conversions with Conversational Automation

    Testing of Pages is Necessary

    Testing is a mandatory step for improving landing page conversion rates. A/B testing allows marketers to test several landing page layouts and content to understand which works best for a target audience. However, adopting a dedicated tool allows marketers and brands to analyze results better.

    Using the right tool to test the pages can help marketers get insights about the number of engagements and click-through rates. The more A/B tests marketers run, the more accurate the data becomes. Each A/B test should also include CTA. Through these data insights, marketers can understand the rate of conversions happening. If the conversions are low, marketers may implement different strategies.

    Begin Converting More Users into Leads

    It is worth noting that landing page optimization is complex, but with the help of the right tools, the right planning, adequate strategies, and the proper improvisation of elements, it can be a win-win situation for brands and marketers to gain good conversion rates. The above-stated ways can provide brands and marketers with a foundation to frame different aspects of landing page creation, leading to improved conversion rates.

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    Anushree Bhattacharya
    Anushree Bhattacharya is a Senior Editor with TalkCMO, where she covers stories on B2B business strategies and digital marketing. She is a quality-oriented professional writer with eight years of experience. She has been curating content for the B2B marketing industry, and her writing style is inclined toward how businesses want to perceive information about emerging digital transformations in the marketing landscape with latest developments. Anushree blends the best information on trending digital transformations, technology-driven stories, and SEO-optimized content. Anushree is proficient in curating information-driven stories about marketing for TalkCMO publications.