Hyper-Targeted Content – The Changing Phase of B2B Marketplace

    B2B enterprises
    Hyper-Targeted Content – The Changing Phase of B2B Marketplace

    It is no secret that engaging content is vital for B2B marketers’ success – they succeed when buyers act upon the content, and not just see it. 

    For years, marketers have been utilizing different advertising methods to target their audience. Today, it is easier to define and target more buyers with hyper-targeted content. It focuses on proven campaign methodologies and a compelling mix of digital media channels.

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    Two years ago, a study by Demand Gen Report on “2018 Content Preferences Survey Report” found that 49% of B2B buyers hinge more on content to research during their buying decisions, compared to 2017. Clearly, the number has increased by 2020. With the widespread adoption of 5G and mobile communication, buyers today look for every detail before the final purchase. Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester, Dr. James McQuivey, has named this rapid change in consumer behavior as “hyper-adoption.” Aligning with the demands of the ‘hyper-adoptive’ buyers has become a significant challenge for B2B marketers today. Thus, market leaders are focusing more on creating interactive and engaging content as educating the consumers will make way to the sales funnel.

    As per eMarketer’s “B2B Content Marketing 2018” report, 87 % of B2B enterprises will create more digital content moving forward. Lately, hyper-targeted content has been increasingly used and driving massive opportunities for businesses to expand their presence. Jillian Ryan, a senior analyst at eMarketer, is stated to have mentioned in the company’s blog post, “For B2Bs, content is a vehicle to engage their audience of prospective buyers and customers across the life cycle…When planned strategically, content can work hard for B2Bs throughout the funnel. For example, it can serve as an awareness-building mechanism to bring new decision-makers into the fold through lead generation. But it also has the ability to educate and enable existing customers.”

    As per a study by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) two years ago, 81% of B2B marketers realized that interactive or engaging content is becoming more effective than static content. However, creating engaging content is not a simple thing- it is time-consuming and cost much higher than any traditional or static content.

    Also Read: Marketers Predict Interactive Content Will Dominate The Future

    In 2020, more companies are investing in interactive content because of its effective results – it is encouraging interactions with optimal insights for future marketing advantages. Simply put, the demand for hyper-targeted content is accelerating the growth of digital marketing, and hence, more B2B enterprises are adopting the same.

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.