How to Use Big Data in Sales and Marketing

    Sales and Marketing

    Big data enables marketers to understand customers and their behaviors, better, enabling better reach outs.   

    Thanks to the evolving nature of data science, marketing has changed unrecognizably. However, one of the biggest challenges to this leverage is converting big unstructured data into useable data.

    The latest Adobe report has found that marketers believe data-driven marketing is the most critical business opportunity for 2019. Therefore, data driven marketing strategies are becoming more effective in reaching potential customers, thereby increasing the conversion rate on the website.

    Read More: 6 Ways to Use Big Data in Sales and Marketing

    Generating new leads

    Insights into consumers’ views on products and services not only help marketers tap new markets, but also offer access to a larger target audience. Big Data allows smart strategies for companies to connect with their customers and focus on buyer personas for better market optimization.

    Big data provides insights into customer’s emotions throughout the purchasing process. Various tools are available that work long with big data, to allow marketers insights into the thoughts behind the customers’ emails and social media behavior.

    These can help create powerful and effecting campaigns for the target audience. Data received from social media channels can be processed in recommender systems that can help companies generate recurring sales.

    Organizations can reach new customers and increase conversion rates with the help of big data analysis based insights. It also allows marketers to ensure price optimization and develop customer engagement plans.

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     Forecasting For Successful Strategies

    Analysis of competing for product sales data also helps companies understand their brand standing. This information can also help in planning for brand differentiation and make changes to the current brand attributes like packaging, geographical focus, etc. with information on which products have the maximum demand in a specific location; marketing can be much more accurate.

    Businesses are creating social groups and growing databases by translating the substantial information. It provides business insights regarding customer buying design, behaviors, and preferences. With the help of these insights, marketers can suggest the ideal product to the perfect customer at the perfect time.

    It also allows marketers to optimize inventory. Using pricing optimization hints during certain times throughout the year, they can strategize on how much inventory to keep, discard, or modify, or how to change the pricing for optimal sales.

    As we move towards 2020, efficient usage of big data is important to increase the effectiveness of advertising and sales teams.

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    Sneha Bokil
    Sneha Bokil is a Senior Editor with Ondot Media. She writes editorials on an array of topics ranging from IoT, AI, ML, and cloud computing, among others. She has over 9 years of experience in the field of content creation, where she has written on technology, both enterprise and consumer, and finance.