How The Clamp Of GDPR And CCPA Can Help Marketers See More Success


    While brands are increasingly focusing  their marketing activities on a deeper understanding of consumers’ expectations, the recent push for data regulation could be just what the doctor ordered for better outreach.

    The tight control that GDPR and CCPA have on the data market, could be a boon in disguise for the marketers. They may now be able to  successfully create better customer outcomes which are within the ambit of legal control as well.

    Adopting an experience-driven approach seems to be everybody’s  secret to meet consumer expectations. Increasingly, martech platforms are prioritizing the experience factor in their development strategies. With GDPR and the upcoming CCPA designed to regulate the collation and use of consumer data, there is also an increasing adoption of martech to help manage the complexities of privacy regulations.

    Read More: How GDPR Affected AI-based Marketing

    There are now platforms available that allow collation and  importing customer data from multiple sources to unify customer records. Once the data is integrated into the platform, cleaned and organized, it gives marketers a better view of their customers.  These data platforms also allow marketers to externally activate their data by pushing it out to other martech platforms. This allows the marketers to deliver highly personalized, targeted digital experiences.

    While, there is still a long way to go before the marketing community can create the seamless experiences that customers expect, it certainly is the beginning of a more organised structured and relevant system to manage the volume of data they have, and its best application to create meaningful experience-driven campaigns.

    Read Also: Google Fined 50 Million Euro for Consent Violations Under GDPR

    With these new age platforms,  organizations should use GDPR and CCPA to their competitive advantage, and incorporate the laws into the framework of best practices. There needs to be  a system where consent would be a standard for organizations regardless giving customers the power to control their data. New platforms need to have consent management tools and consent support mechanisms for this purpose.

    So, maybe the GDPR and the upcoming CCPA would be a boon in disguise, guiding companies through a more legal, organised route to push the best marketing initiatives which are more seamless digital experiences, to the most relevant customer groups.

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