How Technology Can Drive Productivity and Creativity in Marketing

    How Technology Can Drive Productivity and Creativity in Marketing

    The focus of marketing has shifted away from innovation and toward data-driven optimization, but its core values of creativity and connection should remain unchanged.

    The floodgates for digital data have opened in the last few decades. Technology can spur innovation. Brands can enable marketers to realize their full potential by investing in them. The digital environment has given marketers fantastic opportunities to connect with their audiences in fresh and original ways. Still, every time a new medium emerges, it presents a challenge that must be met.

    The very nature of marketing has changed dramatically. Marketers are no longer just the sales team’s creative appendage. Modern marketers have had to adapt to the fast pace of change by becoming corporate chameleons. They are expanding their skill set far beyond what was once the norm and are able to adapt to anything new that is presented to them.

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    Marketing teams may currently be overworked

    Organizations directly contribute to the draining of marketers’ creativity by packing more jobs and responsibilities into their roles, while removing none. Additionally, B2B marketing can appear to lack creativity because it targets businesses rather than people, but it’s crucial to know how to relate to them.

    One aspect of the challenge is outdated tech and ineffective procedures. Organizations restrict marketing teams’ creative freedom when they are asked to develop sophisticated campaigns using antiquated technology. Marketers are eating up the time that could be spent creating other excellent content. Furthermore, there are irrational demands for producing new, hand-coded content. To create a successful campaign, creatives shouldn’t need to have studied computer science. A technical skills gap on the email side is being caused by a lack of programming and coding knowledge in marketing, so many teams are turning to outdated email templates to keep things the same.

    To make matters worse, management teams frequently refuse to invest in modernized technologies. Budgets for technology are typically the first to be cut when there is a threat of financial instability. The cost savings from investing in technology might not be apparent at first. Companies keep wasting time and money on outsourcing and dated technologies in the meantime. Leaders should instead make investments in technology that streamlines operations.

    The pace of the world makes it impossible to stop innovating.

    Organizations are expanding quickly, so they need to figure out how to give marketing teams the tools they need to keep up with the expansion of the rest of the company.

    Tools to fuel marketing teams

    There is an upfront cost, but brands must be willing to make this investment if they want their marketing teams to succeed. Despite what might seem counterintuitive, investing more on tools to improve operations can ultimately lead to cost savings.

    The ability to do more with less has become possible with new, precise technologies that will let marketers rediscover their creative side. Clearly, in the era of the empowered consumer, marketers must adopt data-driven technologies to succeed. Technology investments should be given the highest priority, though, with so many new technologies claiming to be the best thing.

    Create a database for integrated marketing

    It’s time for businesses to invest in an integrated marketing database if they don’t already have one. The information that consumers provide is abundant and can be used to predict what they might buy next, what will keep them as clients, and which up-sell or cross-sell opportunities will be most appealing.

    This information is frequently stored in various silos as customers interact with businesses through a variety of channels, including email, digital channels, customer service centers, and billing departments. Only fragments of information about the customers are present in each source. But when all these sources are combined, the puzzle pieces tell a complete tale about clients. This 360-degree perspective offers the basis for real marketing success.

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    Utilize an Always-On Data Set for Marketing and Data-as-a-Service

    Data-as-a-Service (DaaS), which is taking the marketing world by storm, gives businesses access to real-time data to target customers interested in their goods and services. A service approach known as “DaaS” sources and structures hard-to-find data (HTFD) assets to provide a steady stream of qualified leads, including a company’s own customers, who are actively looking for what they are selling. In stark contrast to disconnected, one-time-use prospect lists, these data sources are a highly customized marketing asset. Marketers can send real-time messaging, individualized recommendations, and highly targeted content because in-market prospects and customers are delivered directly to a company’s channel systems or digital marketing platforms.

    It is now impossible to avoid investing in marketing technologies. It takes technology to understand the customers and products using data-driven insights to reach mobile consumers with the appropriate messages at the appropriate times.

    Every game-changing marketing campaign is built on creativity, but brands must provide marketers with the resources they need to harness it. Technology shouldn’t take over marketers. In order to use their talent where it matters most, the tasks that are slowing them down should be replaced. Use automation and technology to the advantage, and creativity will follow.

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    Swapnil Mishra
    Swapnil Mishra is a global news correspondent at TalkCMO, with over six years of experience in the field. Specializing in marketing technologies, Swapnil has established herself as a trusted voice in the industry. Having collaborated with various media outlets, she has honed her skills in content strategy, executive leadership, business strategy, industry insights, best practices, and thought leadership. As a journalism graduate, Swapnil possesses a keen eye for editorial detail and a mastery of language, enabling her to deliver compelling and informative news stories. She has a keen eye for detail and a knack for breaking down complex technical concepts into easy-to-understand language.