How is Artificial Intelligence Optimizing Digital Experience?

    How is Artificial Intelligence Optimizing Digital Experience

    With the potential to accumulate data, examine and utilize it, and then learn from it, Artificial Intelligence is modifying digital strategies.

    Amid the pandemic, two businesses’ perspectives have changed fundamentally and are reshaping the business aspect. First, the customer-business relationship in terms of customer’s expectations from a brand and how a brand reacts is being re-written. Second is the acceptance of mobile phones and digital technology amongst consmers and rising technologies among businesses, mostly artificial intelligence (AI).

    This tide of technology selection is obscuring the line between customer and digital experience. The efficiency with which organizations use AI to cross this line will be essential to endurance and long-term value production.

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    Key Factors for Successful AI Implementation

    The number of components and variables associated with an AI environment makes implementation complex. Moreover, AI has come up with several unique problems that companies should be focusing on for flourishing implementation.

    Data Management

    Data produced from various sources appears in multiple styles and formats. As a primary input for AI, collecting and organizing data for the application needs extensive infrastructure and finance to receive proper actionable insights.

    Practicing a multicloud-based strategy makes managing the hybrid cloud infrastructure simple. This is achieved by producing a thin layer of abstraction over it to run applications, data, and business workloads in a safe, uniform, and compliant way.


    Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning rely on traditional data used as input and the algorithms implemented for review. Though AI designs are intended to function individually, some human interference is inevitable, and this is where bias enters into the picture.

    To avoid this pitfall, businesses should invest in data cleansing and construction. The key is to control the data sooner at the input stage and certainly before it is processed. A biased dataset can skew the output due to the extrapolation of unclean data.

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    Many studies have shown that personal data privacy in a company’s hands is one of the most significant concerns amongst customers. Therefore, as they move into the personalization era, enterprises must prioritize user’s data matters and build security mechanisms within their digital ecosystem.

    Besides, with privacy compliance laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the onus now legally lies on businesses to simply set policies and governance mechanisms ensuring compliance to remain competitive.

    Final Thoughts

    Despite all its potential, Artificial Intelligence is still a moderately emerging field. For an AI-based strategy to fructify, enterprises must use a multi-disciplinary approach where holistic consumer experience and privacy matters are a design order and not just reconsideration. This will empower brands to provide personalized goods and solutions that buyers want and intensify the overall engagement and experience while remaining legitimately compliant and informed of privacy concerns.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain