How client support teams boost customer retention and revenue

    How client support teams boost customer retention and revenue

    Customer support teams play a major role in making the customers feel valued thus boosting revenue, retention and adding more customers

    While customer support teams are constantly interacting with the customers, providing them with products and services information, CMOs feel that open communication lines with customers are critical for the financial growth of an organization.
    In fact, good customer support is more valuable for market growth than all other initiatives put together. There are some salient attributes that add the most value to this exercise, as enterprises invest more in creating customer-centric strategies.

    Customer Retention – The Importance of Loyalty Programs amid Economic Downturns

    Speed: Timely response to customers is critical in providing good customer support. CMOs say that as part of a good marketing strategy, organizations should have alternative solutions in place if the support team is not available immediately. FAQs and automated tools are some solutions preferred by marketing leaders.

    Quality and Expertise: CMOs insist that customer support teams should undergo extensive and relevant training to provide quality customer experience. C-suite leaders feel that good customer support personnel should have an optimistic and empathetic attitude.

    Consistent: Customers are loyal to consistent service. This promotes word-of-mouth publicity as well. Consistent service shows that the organization is trustworthy, dependable, and organized.

    Convenience: Like Omnichannel marketing, omnichannel customer connects strategy is a good way of customer engagement. Live customer support might not be always possible, but good customer experience can always be ensured with tools like chat, email, social media, and phone. Marketing leaders encourage the cross-selling, upselling, extension of warranty, promotions, offering new packages all as a part of increasing the incremental revenue for the company.

    Push Customer Retention by Richer Customer Experience: The CMO strategy

    Reviews and Feedback
    Good reviews and feedback on an organization’s services and products help to attract more
    customers. CMOs say that customer support teams should be trained on how to properly solicit feedback from customers so that they feel urged to communicate their experience. To encourage feedback, organizations implement strategies like offering incentives for feedback. This increases footfall, retention, and customer base as well.

    CMOs feel that organization should emphasize on churning out good customer experiences.
    Customer teams should ensure to treat customers as a privilege and not a right to boost customer loyalty. In a recent survey conducted by Bain & Company, business is boosted by 25-95% when even mere 5% retention of customers is observed.

    CMOs opine that since the customer service team is the public face of an organization, it is the driving force behind the revenue.

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    Megana Natarajan
    Megana Natarajan is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She has experience in content creation and has previously created content for agriculture, travel, fashion, energy and markets. She has 3.9 years’ experience as a SAP consultant and is an Engineering graduate.