How Businesses Can Ace Customer Retention in 2023


    Customer retention is an essential factor for building a business. Establishing a loyal customer base is  critical, but as companies grow, they often try to focus on spending their time and energy on procuring new customers rather than retaining their previous customers.

    According to a report by Zippia, “28 critical customer retention statistics [2022]“, existing customers contribute about 65% to the company’s businesses while 72% of the customers switch after an unhappy experience. Here are a few customer retention strategies that will aid the company in ace customer retention in the upcoming year.

    Plan an Effective and Strong Onboarding Experience

    To give the customers an idea of the purpose of the products and services the company provides, creating a solid onboarding experience is very important. This service should be unique   compared to a saturated market, especially when there is a new product or service. This strategy leaves a mark on the customer, giving them an, excellent first impression of the products and services that avoid customer service hiccups. Sending out critical information, follow-up messages, and loyalty programs to the customer will prompt them to buy the products as soon as they sign up.

    Also Read: Top Customer Retention Strategies for B2B Enterprises

    Devise a Communication Calendar

    A communication calendar will allow the organization to communicate with the customers and keep them continuously engaged. If a customer is unable to interact under some circumstances, devising a sending strategy to re-engage and reach out to them is vital. A communication calendar includes a programmed sequence of events and incentives the companies send the customers. At the same time, this program also notifies the company when existing customers have not communicated with the brand.

    Form Teams Across the Company for Great Sending Ideas

    Aligning numerous internal teams in the organization will focus on sharing the relevant data, emphasizing where the gaps are in customer satisfaction and unmet customer needs. This data will be beneficial, as the companies can gather customer stories and interactions to create valuable content, which the marketing team can then use. This strategy aims to collect scattered data across the groups and nurture customer relationships by displaying valuable content.

     Tailor the Offers when Sending Them Out to the Customers

    Tailoring and personalization are critical elements in the customer retention strategy. Often customers feel free to share information about themselves if they sense that the company understands them and their needs. Instead of a one size fits all” approach, personalized messages, and emails will gain customers’ attention and make them feel valued every time the company sends out rewards, incentives, or pay-outs.

    Deploy Marketing Automation Technologies

    Deploying marketing automation strategies can simplify the marketing process workflows taking the customer relationship to a whole new level. Keeping the customers updated with the brands, products, and services is quite hard with manual services as they are time-consuming and involve a series of processes. Marketing automation technologies standardize the process and will help businesses schedule promotional mail and notifications faster and on time, compared to the manual process.

    Also Read: Boosting Customer Retention with Customer Engagement Platform

    Encourage Customer Feedback

    Businesses will face operational challenges when they have no idea about what their customers think about the products and services. The company needs to ensure that they don’t lose customers to its competition. Collecting, analyzing, and distributing customer reviews and surveys among the entire team will help to deliver a better customer experience while negative feedback will help to work on the flaws and mistakes improving the quality of the services and products. This strategy will allow enterprises to understand customer behaviour and encourage them to develop exclusive content to retain their customers.

    Customer retention should be a focal point for the business, alongside customer acquisition. By establishing an insightful customer retention strategy, companies build a foundation for a loyal and faithful customer.

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    Apoorva Kasam
    Apoorva Kasam is a Global News Correspondent with TalkCMO. She has done her master's in Bioinformatics and has 18 months of experience in clinical and preclinical data management. She is a content-writing enthusiast, and this is her first stint writing articles on business technology. She specializes in marketing technology, data-driven marketing. Her ideal and digestible writing style displays the current trends, efficiencies, challenges, and relevant mitigation strategies businesses can look forward to. She is looking forward to exploring more technology insights in-depth.