How Brands Can Identify and Turn Ideal Customer Pain Points into Entry Points

    How Brands Can Identify and Turn Ideal Customer Pain Points into Entry Points

    Understanding and addressing ideal customer pain points is vital to establishing a strong connection with the target audience. However, when turning ideal customer pain points into entry points, it is essential to determine the acute pain the product or service can resolve.

    As per a report by CX Network, “2024 Customer Service Trends Report,” support teams are meeting increased expectations by,

    In a competitive market, identifying these pain points helps create products or services that solve real problems and craft messages that resonate deeply with potential customers. This approach transforms challenges into opportunities, turning customer pain points into entry points for engagement and loyalty.

    By prioritizing the needs and concerns of their ideal customers, brands can effectively position themselves as the go-to solution, fostering a relationship built on trust and value.

    What are Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) Entry Points?

    An entry point refers to the pivotal moment when a potential customer experiences intense pain from a problem that a solution (product or service) could instantly solve—only if customers were aware of its existence.

    An ICP entry point occurs when a potential customer has a problem yet is not actively considering a brand’s product, service, or marketing efforts. Instead, the customer will likely experience the pain of their current situation often, perhaps constantly.

    For instance, the customer might rely on spreadsheets for complex and dynamic tasks, while brands have the tools to automate or add intelligence to these intricate processes. At this point, while customers are tediously working on these spreadsheets manually, the right solution must come to their minds.

    So, how can brands make customers think of their product or solution?

    How Can Brands Turn Ideal Customer Pain Points into Entry Points?

    Define a Clear ICP and Detailer Buyer Persona

    Defining ICP will help brands identify the “perfect” customer for the business. Such customers will likely gain maximum value from the product or service, boosting the ROI.

    A clear ICP will also help brands tailor their marketing efforts and sales pitches to attract and engage ideal customers.

    Similarly, a buyer persona delves into the specifics of the individuals making the buying decisions that fit the ICP. It represents an ideal customer based not just on demographics but also on behavior patterns, motivations, goals, and pain points.

    A detailed buyer persona involves research, surveys, and interviews with the target audience. This persona helps understand what motivates the customers, their issues, and how the product can fit into their daily business operations.

    Also read: Customer Retention Strategies for Increasing Businesses ROI

    Gather Triggers

    Brands must thoroughly research to gather insights into the target audience’s challenges and frustrations. They can use social listening tools to track conversations about the brand and competition online.

    Another exercise leaders can conduct is bringing a whole team together and asking each one to articulate five to seven triggers and why these can cause pain to the customer.

    Triggers can be:

    • Big (competitive pressures, restructures, or regulations)
    • Small/personal (tracking processes, updating spreadsheets, or manual reporting

    These triggers must represent the source of pain the customer feels and how the solutions offered by the brands can help.

    Begin Journey Mapping

    Each team member can then focus on their assigned trigger and articulate the customer journey in detail. After articulating, brands can call a customer or customer success rep to get a view of the customer’s real-life experience.

    In this step, teams must account for every bit of the entry point journey and all the meta-information about the journey.

    Let’s take the same spreadsheet example. Here are some queries brands must take into consideration.

    • Is the customer using spreadsheets?
    • Are they necessary?
    • How does their role depend on it?
    • Did the customer build or inherit the process?
    • Will it be easy to restructure the process? If so, how will they measure the results?
    • Are these processes dependent on a legacy process?

    Entry Point Mapping, Strategy, and Messaging

    The journey mapping starts with triggers. By analyzing triggers, it becomes easier to know the vulnerable moments when the prospective customer would have considered the solution. These are called candidate entry points.

    With every candidate entry point (let’s say, three), look for customer signals, that is, look for information and read books/content/industry materials.

    Other aspects to look for are signals, conditions, and circumstances when each trigger opens an entry point. Such information will help determine the key messaging and proof required to engage with the customer’s interest.

    These insights will then be used by sales and marketing teams. The next step is to craft important content for each stage of the marketing and sales process to keep the customer engaged and progressing.

    Finally, this process usually leads to a short list of product requirements that match the entry points. These should be documented with a charter to incorporate the capabilities into the product roadmap.

    Refine Entry Point Strategy When Required

    Define clear metrics to measure the effectiveness of the strategies in addressing ideal customer pain points. It is essential to review and analyze performance data to identify areas for improvement.

    Ensure to pivot the strategy based on what the data shows about changing customer preferences and pain points.


    Turning ideal customer pain points enhances a brand’s market positioning and customer engagement. With clear ICP and detailed buyer persona, brands can gain a deep understanding of their target audience’s needs, motivations, and challenges.

    Gathering triggers and journey mapping enables brands to pinpoint precise moments of customer pain and tailor solutions.

    Through entry point mapping, strategy, and messaging, brands can create targeted, resonant content and product offerings that not only address ideal customer pain points but also foster trust, loyalty, and long-term relationships.

    This approach ensures that brands are not just selling a product or service but are genuinely solving problems and enhancing their customers’ lives and business operations.

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    Apoorva Kasam
    Apoorva Kasam is a Global News Correspondent with TalkCMO. She has done her master's in Bioinformatics and has 18 months of experience in clinical and preclinical data management. She is a content-writing enthusiast, and this is her first stint writing articles on business technology. She specializes in marketing technology, data-driven marketing. Her ideal and digestible writing style displays the current trends, efficiencies, challenges, and relevant mitigation strategies businesses can look forward to. She is looking forward to exploring more technology insights in-depth.