How Big Data can add to Operations Efficiency for CMOs  

    How Big Data can add to Operations Efficiency for CMOs  

    Marketing leaders can be more efficient with the big data on an efficient Martech operations stack.

    Lately, the business ecosystem has become immensely hopeful about advanced analytics and big data. This is due to its potential impact in the marketplace, basis the deep insights that can be derived from the humongous data the market provides. In this digital era, many companies have been successful in spinning data – beyond market growth.

    Advanced technology tools adoption is becoming much more manageable, accelerating overall organizational efficiencies, and driving ambitious business results.

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    In these unprecedented times, many marketers are facing challenges created because of the troubled economy. However, increased efficiency is expected across the board — better technology support will add value to all layers of enterprise- People, Processes and Technology.

    How do marketing leaders utilize data to be more efficient with their operations? 

    Certainly, technologies rapidly become obsolete these days. Most businesses are not satisfied with the attribution insights or are not confident about how leads are getting routed. And this makes them feel like they are not using data correctly to drive an increase in the revenue.  .

    Often, data input is the prime source of inefficiencies in a martech stack. Experts say before buying anything new, it is crucial to review the stack and find out its utility and the correct functionalities.

    For CMOs to hold their ground in marketing technology buying decisions, they need to meet and understand the tech trends- with the current martech vendors – in order to get up to date with the existing data facilities.

    It is essential to analyze the martech solutions that are delivering only one data task. It can be replaced by another new tool from the stack that operates similarly. Thus, less can be more while it is around data and business operational efficiency – data efficiency can lead to less code and faster automation.

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    Simply put, the martech practices move faster with fewer moving parts. To ensure maximum data efficiency, business leaders need to line up more than one project and being addressed by every tool from their stack. Accumulation of legacy tools often slows down data while significantly decreasing the operational efficiency.

    A right martech operations stack is the need of the hour. Many marketers look for tools that can enhance data capturing processes and ensure that critical data is also captured at the entry point.

    Their organizations implement the right data processes to avoid data being siloed, due to the use of fragmented tools. This helps to keep up with business requirements.

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.