Guide for Developing an Effective Email Marketing Strategy

    Guide for Developing an Effective Email Marketing Strategy

    Email marketing can nurture leads effectively by leveraging a platform people use regularly. With over half of the world’s population, which amounts to over four billion people, email frequently presents a vast opportunity to reach and engage with potential customers.

    A recent report, How to Create a Winning Email Marketing Strategy: Your 7-Step Guide, by Constant Contacts,  predicts that the email marketing revenue will grow to USD 17.9 billion by 2027 from USD 7.5 billion in 2020. Email marketing is becoming more effective in B2B, and companies must leverage it with a winning email marketing strategy.

    By adopting a strategic and customized approach, businesses can do more than send generic emails to leads. Instead, marketers can leverage real-time data to achieve measurable successes for brands, learn from previous email marketing campaigns, and maximize future marketing endeavors.

    While it may be tempting to prioritize other marketing tactics when developing an overall strategy, business owners can reap numerous benefits from email marketing. It can help establish brand credibility and drive sales, making it a valuable tool for marketing.

    By devising a strategic approach to email marketing, businesses can focus on specific benefits that align with objectives. Identifying KPIs that matter most to the industry and monitoring how they respond to marketing efforts  enables companies to make necessary adjustments over time, leading to a quantifiable boost in email marketing achievements.

    In addition, having a well-defined email marketing strategy eliminates the guesswork in setting goals. When a strategy is in place, businesses no longer have to contemplate whether or not to send out an email or what kind of emails to send. A marketing strategy provides a clear direction for these aspects.

    As a result, businesses can follow the plan, make achieving marketing goals easier, avoid procrastination, and establish a dependable email marketing schedule. Here are some of the effective email marketing strategies that businesses can leverage.

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    Segmentation of Email list

    Incorporating email list segmentation is critical to a successful email marketing strategy because not all customers have identical requirements. For instance, let’s take the example of a company that sells accounting software to mid-sized companies. Although the company’s accountants are the direct beneficiaries of the software, the CEOs or managers of the firms will decide whether to purchase the product. As a result, these two groups of people will require different messaging.

    The accountants will be interested in knowing how the software works, how it simplifies their work, and how it prevents errors. On the other hand, the decision-makers won’t be concerned about the technical aspects of the software. They’ll be more interested in how it will save them money and if it’s worth the investment.

    By segregating these groups with varying needs into their email lists, businesses can send targeted emails relevant to recipients. Coupled with a compelling email subject line, this can improve the open email rate, establish the brand as a specialist in the industry, and enhance lead nurturing efforts.

    Aim for Providing Value Always

    Another crucial aspect of a successful email marketing strategy is providing value to subscribers. When businesses offer consistent value, there are more chances for subscribers to open and read your emails regularly and may even anticipate them arriving in their inboxes.

    So, how can businesses provide value? Start by considering what customers want and need from companies, and then shape email strategy around that. For example, if you’re an e-commerce clothing retailer, and your customers cannot try on your items before purchasing, address this pain point in your email marketing strategy.

    Businesses could include content that guides online clothes shopping in email campaigns or newsletters. Alternatively, companies could convert a generic size guide into a personalized size and include a link in emails. Businesses should focus on this email content to provide value to subscribers. While promotions and new product features also offer value, consumers have grown accustomed to this content, so it may not be helpful.

    Focus on Sharing User-generated Content

    Utilizing user-generated content (UGC) in email marketing is an effective way to replicate the power of word-of-mouth marketing in the digital realm. When subscribers see that other customers are satisfied with the brand and products, they are more inclined to learn more. Incorporating customer photos, videos, reviews, and stories in emails fosters community and leads to more click-throughs.

    If you have difficulty finding UGC, consider initiating a hashtag campaign. Encouraging customers to tag the brand on social media and display products is a fantastic way to spread the word while gathering UGC in one location. In addition to increasing click-through and conversion rates, showcasing user-generated content is critical in developing a community around the brand and establishing two-way communication between the brand and customers.

    Connect Emails with Social Media Always

    Social media is a crucial element of any successful email marketing strategy. These two digital marketing channels can collaborate to broaden the brand’s exposure.

    First and foremost, it’s essential to include calls-to-action (CTAs) to different social media accounts in email campaigns and newsletters. Businesses can share the email content directly on social media, depending on the drive.

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    Solid and Attractive Call-to –action

    Emails should have a clear purpose, and the call-to-action (CTA) should help to achieve that goal. Without a strong CTA, it’s unlikely that customers will take the desired action after reading an email.

    It’s essential to align the CTA with the KPIs businesses measure as part of email marketing strategy. For example, if the purpose is to increase click-through rates, the CTA should encourage customers to click on a link within the email.

    Alternatively, suppose the objective is to boost brand awareness. In that case, the CTA could inspire people to share content with friends, invite them to sign up for the newsletter, engage with the brand on social media, or participate in a brand awareness survey. With a clear and compelling CTA, businesses can lead customers toward the desired action and achieve better results.

    Summing up

    To effectively manage the various components of email marketing, it’s essential to have a solid strategy in place. Without it, planning individual campaigns, tracking progress, and measuring success can be challenging.

    Creating a reusable email marketing strategy template allows businesses to streamline efforts and develop more focused and successful campaigns that yield actual results.

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    Bineesh Mathew
    Bineesh Mathew is an accomplished senior writer with 10+ years of experience in multiple domains. With a proven track record, he has specialized in writing for business strategies, marketing technologies. Currently, Bineesh is working as a Senior Content Writer with TalkCMO. Bineesh is an English Literature graduate who has mastered the language with excellent editing skills. As a writer, he has contributed exciting writing pieces for various topics such as digital marketing, cybersecurity, and different latest technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, data analytics, machine learning, and much more.