Global marketers must have a local creative experience strategy

    Experience, strategy, Global, marketers

    With the increasing need to have precise targeting, CMOs need to have local creative experience strategies to build personal relevance

    Local relevance is a challenge that global marketer face today. For all the drive towards efficiency on a corporate level and effectiveness on a campaign level marketers around the world fail to include personal relevance.

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    Experts believe centering the marketing strategies on customer experience (CX) has inhibited growth for many brands. It is recommended to redirect investments from technology to creativity in order to achieve stronger business outcomes.

    Marketing strategies must now be around creative experience as it brings data, technology, and creativity together to align messages, channels and audiences. The missing piece of personal relevance in CX can only be filled when there are people who are part of the customer’s local culture. CX strategy remains incomplete without a local creative experience (LCX) strategy.

    With the noise of marketing message, customers are quicker than ever to reject a message. The digital chain depends on relevance and with rising expectations of having the ability to compare, evaluate, and purchase customers want to details in an instant without even needing to pick another device.

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    Experts believe that there is a need for a new structure and not just a new strategy. Global advertising must be created from the ground up with relevance coming from familiarity. This means that advertising needs to be created from the market and not adjusted to the market.

    It is imperative for marketers to prioritize local approach. The effectiveness of a country-wise approach can beat the perceived efficiencies of a pan-regional campaign. Very often CMOs are reluctant to let local-market specialists run freely with the ideas they generate, but not letting resources run free with their solutions means strangling the marketing campaign.

    The idea of localized marketing in dozens of places at once frightens many CMOs, but marketers can start one market at a time. Keeping the orchestration of locations worldwide aside, marketers must at least conduct pilot programs in the local market with native teams, for local customers in the local language.

    Since marketing teams need to prove the value of marketing investments and especially the localization in economic terms, some help from sales teams can be useful. Sales organizations and teams understand that local matters and can even prove it to the C-Suite and the Board.

    Precise targeting requires more personal relevance in the messages. Experts now believe that creative experience as the new CX and local creative experience (LCX) can reorient the marketing structure in the next five years.,

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    Meeta Ramnani
    As a Senior Editor with Ondot Media, Meeta has the onus of developing credible content after collating inputs and opinions from global leadership teams – on enterprise and marketing technologies. She creates articles, interviews, and blogs from inputs of global CXOs, and ensures each article meets the challenge of interesting content, very interestingly written. An avid bike rider, Meeta, is a postgraduate from Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media (IIJNM) Bangalore, where her specialization was Business Journalism. She carries four years of experience in mainstream print media where she worked as a correspondent with The Times Group and Sakal Media Group in Pune.