Four Ways to Use Personalization While Maintaining Boundaries

It is essential for CMOs to assure personalization, but it has to be following certain boundaries.

Today, intelligent personalized marketing tools are helping organizations gain insight about
customer behavior. However, it is important for marketers to leverage data-driven personalization while following a few boundaries.

Companies are slowly moving their only reliance on customer-centric marketing approach. They are looking for different ways to personalize the customer journey by gathering enough data in way that does not intrude customer privacy.

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Utilizing previous engagements

Marketing campaigns via SMS or email are perfect opportunities for personalizing customer journeys mainly because they offer easier ways to advertise relevant products and services that based on their past engagement. At the same time getting a deeper understanding of channel preferences can be beneficial for marketers. Older engagements are a great way to help customers direct towards new relevant services and also come across related products they want instead of pushing it towards them.

By using older engagements brands can maintain keep themselves away from new or sensitive information that customers might want to protect.

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Focus on limited customers

It is better to emphasize on a handful of goals to garner good results from leveraging personalization. With the help of data-driven personalized marketing, organizations can pay attention towards campaigns on individuals than a large pool of customers. It is important to focus more on relevant customers instead of sending content or offers to users that may find the information less relevant. Several customers do not look at big banner ads or emails thereby wearing the hoped of achieve success with the marketing campaign.

Find the right balance

Finding the right balance along with other marketing aspects is vital to ensure personalization efforts. A personalization road map needs to comprise a perfect balance of strategy, technology, and creativity. If it is not deployed in a right way, it may not matter even if the data is granular.

Break those data silos

Personalized marketing can go for a toss because of data silos as it will lead to marketers overlooking various customer insights. Moreover, it can even hamper user experience. Marketers need to look for solutions that allow data to operate in sync instead of working individually.

Personalized Marketing – An Opportunity or a Challenge

Marketers can be abreast with the latest marketing trends and improve customer experience by focusing on personalization.

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