Four Ways to Empower the Marketing Team to be More Agile

    Four Ways to Empower the Marketing Team to be More Agile

    Since marketing leaders have increasingly complex performance objectives, agile marketing is now more critical than ever.

    The evolving landscape of the B2B procurement process has created a new set of issues for businesses. It’s no longer just an issue of developing the appropriate content; it’s also a matter of delivering it at the right moment. Thanks to rising demand for insightful content, more rivalry from competing firms and customers interacting with an ever-growing number of digital touch points.

    This is what real-time marketing is all about: keeping an eye on consumer wants and competitor strategies, and responding with the ideal piece of content. The company can take advantage of these previously untapped prospects by adopting agile procedures into its marketing approach.

    Here are a few methods to enable the marketing staff to be more agile.

    Adopt an agile methodology

    Unlike many software development teams, most agile marketing teams do not use a single agile framework. For a bespoke approach, they use components and methods from scrum, scrum ban, kanban, and lean. According to the 4th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report, any techniques from specific frameworks can be included in agile marketing processes, with the planning phase, daily standups, sprint review, and digital kanban boards being the most prevalent.

    Also Read: Building and Scaling an Efficient and Successful Marketing Team

    Learn to appreciate failure

    Agile marketing only succeeds if the teams are willing to admit when they are wrong. Some of what marketers are doing won’t work since agile operates on a test-fail-retest cycle. That’s the brilliance of it: these are the ideas that will have the most influence on customers and have the highest chance of succeeding.

    The real kicker is that irrespective of how many things marketers get wrong, agile marketing enables them to reap the advantages of everything they do right and repeat it more frequently for greater outcomes. Some marketing teams refuse to acknowledge that the foundations of most of their efforts are unstable. These teams are unable to use failure as one of the most significant tools in their armory for gaining a closer relationship with their customers. As a result, they are unable to protect the revenue-generating capacity of a truly customer-centric marketing team.

    Employ dedicated people

    Many companies make the mistake of putting part-time staff on agile marketing teams. They anticipate partial agility and keep them working on traditional management frameworks-based projects.

    This strategy almost never works. Although it appears to be less stressful for the company, it places significant pressure on the workforce. While continuing to work on existing projects, team members must adjust to new working circumstances, measure new KPIs, adapt to the new meetings, and work in a different style. As a result, there is an imbalance, and marketers are forced to ping-pong between two worlds.

    Create a framework that is based on discipline

    Marketers should choose a scrum master with good agile expertise, according to experts like McKinsey. This person leads a group of cross-functional decision-makers who have been given the authority to work on certain projects on their own. All of this requires a great deal of discipline, but its fine to work around the company’s quirks in order to properly support agile marketing.

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    Some may dismiss agile marketing as a hard pitch to stakeholders. It represents a shift away from authoritarian marketing campaigns and toward transparent, cross-functional empowerment for niche specialists like analysts, designers, developers, UX gurus, and managers who are willing to let them do what they do best.

    The most agile marketers build meaningful initiatives that are underpinned by sound business knowledge, are measured repeatedly, and can change course on a dime. Agile marketing allows firms to respond more quickly to customer demands.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain