Four Ways for Organizations to Use Digital Brands Ambassadors

    Four Ways for Organizations to Use Digital Brands Ambassadors

    For attaining their B2B influencer marketing goals, brands should consider opting for digital brand ambassadors that can power the delivery of 24/7 customer service and personalization in real-life conversations with customers.

    The pandemic has forced and accelerated the need for digital communications across various industries. As per industry experts, the quality of digital interactions can decide the success and competitive advantage of brands across multiple industries. Hence, to survive and potentially thrive in today’s uncertain marketing ecosystem, brands should opt for digital humans that can create a balance between human interaction and automation. This can help brands to deliver 24/7 customer service and personalized along with human-like conversations with customers.

    For achieving the desired success with B2B influencer marketing, brands can enlist the help of celebrities as digital brand ambassadors. Also, basic movements, as well as conversational phrases, can be captured only in a few minutes, generating endless possibilities for improved influencer marketing as well as a brand’s partnership with them.

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    Here are four elements that brands should keep in mind while collaborating with a digital human experience platform for designing an influencer that can support their brand:

    Creating an exceptional personality

    It is important for brands to develop a personality that engages their audience while leaving them with a memorable experience. The digital human should embody the essential aspects of a brand such as its values and audience appeal. Not only should it be able to emotionally connect via the use of non-verbal cues and expressions but it should be able to cultivate positive moments for the audience.

    Designing for conversation

    While creating their digital brand ambassadors, brands should focus on the quality of interactions with customers and not the associated transaction. They should build a digital human that can engage and relate to their customers easily.

    Brands should experiment their interactions and expressions to craft inputs that may be missed along the process. By gathering such data-driven insights, they can assist their digital humans to guide the conversation with the users instead of taking a command-driven approach. Moreover, it also enables the digital human to make small talk which will make the interaction seem less one-sided, overall improving the quality of interactions.

    Enhancing multimodal UX

    Unlike real-life B2B influencers, digital brand ambassadors create a multimodal digital interface that can utilize different types of digital content to create a balanced experience. To further build a versatile digital personality, brands should develop a digital human to identify what capabilities they require depending on the industry and influencer marketing priorities. In conclusion, brands must design an experience that utilizes the power of versatile visual and voice interaction.

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    As creating lasting and positive relationships tops the list for marketing success, brands should ensure that their digital brand ambassadors make interaction seamless, relevant and personal. Brands can connect their digital human platforms to the internal database of their company. This will enable them to ensure that the influencers are equipped with readily available background information that they can utilize during customer interactions. By creating personalized experiences for the customers, brands can monitor the behavior of their digital human and its interactions, allowing them to identify areas that need improvement for a smoother experience.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.