Four Traits Today’s CMOs Need, to Be Successful

    Four Traits Today’s CMOs Need, to Be Successful

    Today’s dynamic marketing environment calls for CMOs that are constantly learning and can leverage the latest technology for their marketing efforts.

    The expectations of brands from their CMOs have immensely grown in recent years. This has put an immense strain on them to deliver on high expectations and reevaluate their marketing strategies to achieve both short and long-term goals. In fact, as per CMO Council’s 2021 report “Rate the State of Marketing: A C-suite Scorecard”, 80% of C-suite respondents said that the top goal of their marketing department is to drive revenue and sales. Moreover, nearly 62% of executives view their CMOs as the “customer experience advocate and champion” in their organization. With such high expectations and responsibilities on their shoulders, it is vital that CMOs should possess or incorporate traits that will enable them to deliver great on them.

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    Curiosity and Continuous Learning

    As the marketing environment is still going through uncertainty, CMOs should constantly find better ways to navigate its complexity. They should be curious about finding new ways to better serve their customers as well as efficiently deal with the issues of their marketing teams. They should keep themselves updated on changing customer behaviors, understand what causes wants and preferences, and anticipate how shifts in sentiments can now open new market segments and opportunities. Furthermore, they should have an ongoing sense of positive curiosity to make a positive impact. This will enable them to create an exceptional customer experience which has become a priority for organizations to differentiate themselves from competitors.

    Data Comprehension and analysis

    Even though understanding the customer’s point of view by utilizing traditional approaches such as anecdotal findings and focus groups is crucial, those findings are hard to find in volume of data, however, big data changes all that. CMOs should utilize the latest technologies to understand how to analyze large sets of data make the required changes accordingly. For CMOs to keep up with the myriad of market, data, customer, and digital complexities, they should be able to apply the power of machines to marketing work. Combining the data insights and what the customers are saying empowers CMOs to develop better strategies.

    Also Read: Significance of Multichannel Digital Marketing in Today’s Era

    Effectively incorporating AI

    Successful CMOs keep themselves updated about leading-edge technologies. Using technologies such as AI, CMOs can enhance their marketing efforts to effectively drive faster and profitable growth. Also, using AI, CMOs and their marketing team are equipped to enhance their customer experience more quickly than they were able to do in the past.

    Understanding today’s omnichannel marketing environment

    In today’s digital environment, customers are utilizing various channels to engage with their companies. Hence, it is crucial for brands to have a widespread presence across all the major platforms. However, only knowing about these platforms isn’t enough. CMOs should possess a thorough understanding of all the omnichannel platforms and develop strategies that will increase their awareness and engagement.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.