Four Strategies for B2B Marketers to Drive Revenue

B2B marketing that is traditionally ingrained in driving awareness, traffic, and generating leads is now being asked to actively contribute towards revenue.

2022 seems to be a good year for B2B marketing. With B2B firms finally understanding the crucial role that B2B marketing plays, they are planning to increase their B2B marketing budget. In fact, as per a 2021 survey from Statista, nearly 66% of B2B marketers expect their budgets to increase in 2022. But, an increase in the marketing budget may not be as attractive as it appears.

Today’s B2B organizations want their B2B marketing departments to actively contribute as well be held accountable for their overall revenue. This poses a challenge and uncertainty as, along with leads, today’s B2B marketers will also need to find ways for conversion while resisting the urge to create expectations that may not meet their reality.

Also Read: Building B2B Marketing Campaigns for Positive Outcomes

Here are a few strategies that B2B marketers can use to take responsibility as well as drive revenue:

Personalizing the content

The increased reliance on digital platforms has made the competition fierce among B2B marketers. To capture the attention as well as stand out from the competition, B2B marketers should opt for personalization.

Today, B2B customers weigh their decisions not by the price a brand offers, but by the overall customer experience it delivers. Thus to capitalize on it, B2B marketers should utilize the valuable data that it has captured and think about combining explicit and implicit data while ensuring to deliver the most personalized experience.

Asking C-suite leaders for their support

Before moving ahead with their initiatives, B2B should ensure that their marketing and sales leaders are aware of the transformation changes that are going to occur in B2B marketing.

They need to show support when the lead volume takes a dip. Moreover, B2B marketers should ask leadership to be patient with the process while their new programs turn leads into opportunities while driving revenue.

B2B marketers should build a plan that showcases the opportunities in driving revenue as well as risks with their new initiatives.

Also Read: Leveraging Partner Marketing to Drive Businesses Growth

Trying new things 

B2B marketers should prepare themselves for potential failures that may occur. If they are trying several different things and are not facing any setbacks they may not be not trying hard enough.

The strategies that B2B marketers have utilized to generate leads will vary when creating the same for driving revenue. This means taking on new channels, new audiences and practices from variation in social media posts, blogs and articles.

Not complicating things

While it is scary to try new things when trying to understand the impact of experience that leads to revenue, it does not mean that B2B marketers should complicate things. B2B marketers should identify how the sum of all their marketing efforts contributes to the growth of their organization.

After determining these, B2B marketers should begin to look out at individual channels as well as factors that are contributing to them. They should refrain from overcomplicating things by understanding how each experience moves towards generating revenue.

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