Four Steps for Building an Effective Hybrid B2B Event

    Four Steps for Building an Effective Hybrid B2B Event

    With B2B hybrid events emerging as the new way of delivering value and experience to customers, B2B marketers should take the proper steps for the event to deliver most impact.

    Even after the in-person restrictions have been lifted across the globe, people have already become accustomed to the new ‘normal.’ For B2B marketers, the end of the restrictions has opened a new way of organizing events. While virtual B2B events have been their focus area for the past couple of years, the end of the restrictions has opened opportunities for them to strongly consider B2B hybrid events.

    While most B2B organizations have invested in the idea of B2B hybrid events, only a few have acquired the necessary experience in doing so, preventing them from tapping into this new type of event. It is crucial that B2B marketers are aware of the crucial aspects that will enable them to bridge the gap while breaking down the barriers while planning hybrid events. They should make themselves aware of the critical elements towards building an engaging and forward-thinking brand strategy.

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    Below are a few critical aspects that B2B marketers should consider before launching a B2B hybrid event:

    Understanding the hybrid event type

    Hybrid events have multiple types depending on the audience, the needs of the organization as well as the agenda of the event. B2B marketers can choose to have a small in-person event with a much larger virtual event to expand their event reach. On the other hand, they can make the virtual event the primary medium with various local in-person viewing entities. This will allow the event attendees to experience the content together while driving greater interaction. B2B marketers can use sentiment analysis to determine the right type of target audience.

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    Strive to boost engagement

    Onsite attendees have the privilege to enjoy the meetings, and receptions while feeling the energy of live events. This then means that the remote attendees miss out on these experiences. On top of this, they also have many distractions from emails, social media, and more, making it difficult for B2B marketers to capture and keep their attention. To tackle these challenges, B2B marketers should embed engagement into the event design from the beginning. They should take multiple initiatives to enhance and make the virtual event experience for attendees more immersive.

    Build a pricing strategy

    Another critical but often overlooked factor is pricing strategy. Most businesses still do not charge the attendees for their events, especially the ones that are conducted virtually. This results not only in devaluation of the content but also setting a negative precedent for all future virtual events. The easiest way is to maintain a single price for all of their attendees. At the same time, businesses should consider tiered pricing for virtual attendees and in-person to get the best value from the event.

    Prepare for the unexpected

    The past couple of years have shown that nothing is certain in today’s B2B marketplace. While the in-person restrictions may have been receded, it doesn’t mean that the threats due to COVID-19 are over. With some parts of the world witnessing multiple emergences of variants, B2B marketers must have a contingency plan in place. They should stay aware of any external factors that may hamper their event. B2B marketers should keep an eye on the continuously changing regulations, international travel restrictions as well as changes to their health and safety.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.