Four Mistakes B2B brands make with Content Marketing

    Four Mistakes B2B brands make with Content Marketing

    Creating impactful content that resonates with prospects’ needs, influences engagement and drives leads has become difficult. However, there are certain common mistakes that B2B brands make with content marketing that exacerbates the problem.

    According to FocusVision’s 2021 report “Content Really is King: Content Consumption in B2B Buyer’s Journey”, B2B decision-makers on average read 13 pieces of content before buying. This showcases the importance of having the right content for their consumption to generate leads or sales. But, most B2B brands are guilty of creating B2B content that is boring and ineffective and doesn’t generate leads or sales.

    Even after posting content on a consistent basis using various practices, many B2B firms don’t see the expected results. To get their marketing strategy working effectively, B2B brands should know how to produce more impactful and high-value leads with their B2B content. Here are five common content mistakes B2B brands make:

    Considering the audience as business instead of individuals

    While creating their B2B content strategy, most brands set their tone and overly professional messages. Even though the decision-makers are driven by logic, data and technical terms, in the end they are still human. Brands should create content that targets their prospect’s specific pain points and re-establish their authority. They should humanize their brand and let the content speak for itself.

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    Giving only limited information

    Being reluctant about sharing core business strategies for free is understandable as they are the ones that get the brands the desired results. However, having this mindset, especially in today’s competitive landscape, can cost B2B brands promising leads. In fact, brands with B2B blogs and educational content on average receive 52% more traffic when compared with the ones just having promotional content, as per Backlinko’s “The Content Marketing Report 2021”. Therefore, B2B brands should create consistent content and provide their prospects with strategies that others charge. This will enable the brands to gain influence in their respective markets and establish their authority.

    Restricting Free Content

    Most B2B brands are guilty of creating a content wall that prohibits their prospects from accessing content quickly. However, restricting content decreases not only its impact but also the shareability of the content. In the B2B industry, where there are a lot of stakeholders involved, it is critical that brands create content that is as easily shareable as possible.

    Not having enough partners

    Approximately forty-nine percent of B2B companies outsource their content creation as well as marketing tasks, as per Content Marketing Institute’s 2021 “11th annual B2B Content Marketing” report. But, most brands struggle to find the right partner with expertise in the specific industry and who can deliver content on time.

    Though settling for cheap content seems appealing in the short term, it can end up having a drastic effect on the reputation and growth of the brand in the long term. Thus, it is important to make an alliance with partners who are great storytellers and create content that gauge the attention of prospects as well as create high-engagement.

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    Moving ahead

    Creating B2B content can be challenging when considering it should generate leads when a web of stakeholders is involved. Hence, brands should take steps to avoid these common pitfalls of content marketing and be clear on who the customers are and where their journey will lead them next.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.