Four Key Customer Identity and Access Management Challenges Every B2B Marketer Must Address


    Solutions for Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) are gradually becoming a prerequisite for many firms that are embracing digitization. They are able to actively gather, examine, and manage a significant amount of data from their users, which they may subsequently utilize to guide decision-making on business operations.

    Over the last two years, even ordinarily reticent consumers were compelled to buy groceries, order takeout, and remain in touch with friends and family online as the world dealt with quarantines, orders placed for delivery to homes, and shuttered businesses. This emphasis on carrying out routine actions online brought a lot of attention to a developing area of identity security called Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM).

    Following are some of the most typical CIAM challenges that firms must solve.

    Continuous data compliance updates

    As the world becomes more digital, laws governing data privacy and compliance are continuously evolving. Although both consumers and businesses will benefit from the constant changes in rules, many enterprises may find the process to be taxing and difficult in the long term.

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    Companies must comply with a few data privacy laws, including maintaining user permission and reporting user data. Fortunately, CIAM platforms include a consolidated database that enables businesses to manage all of their user data on one platform, making it simple for marketers to gather and submit user data to the appropriate governmental organizations.

    CIAM also includes data encryption, access control, and consent management capabilities that assist marketers in ensuring complete compliance with relevant data privacy legislation.

    Requirement for customer loyalty

    Personalization is a problem that internet platforms must contend with as well. If done right, personalization can encourage customers to make many purchases at once and keep them returning for more. In other words, it can increase a customer’s loyalty. But doing so necessitates the platform learning about the user and their requirements, which is challenging.

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    User Experience (UX) across channels that is inconsistent

    Managing digital systems across several platforms, including online and mobile, can be difficult as different standards must be met to assure functionality. Depending on the preferred core platform, some systems may be more or less user-friendly than others.

    Customers would therefore encounter various user experiences depending on the platform or device they utilize. Companies that don’t make sure that all of their online platforms offer a consistent or identical user experience across all devices may run into issues.

    With CIAM, marketers can combine and integrate their User Interface (UI) to create a single, seamless user experience regardless of the device or platform used by their clients.

    Using passwords

    Passwords are a fantastic place to start when establishing authentication and security for the platform, but by today’s standards, they might not be the greatest option.

    People frequently forget their passcodes for several accounts, especially when they try to remember too many at once. As a result, they frequently repeat or utilize the same codes across other accounts. More than 51% of consumers use identical or closely related passwords for their personal and professional accounts. A substantial danger of data breaches and account hacking can occur from this.

    Despite efforts by businesses to offer a more secure method of creating passwords, it is just insufficient to give their users a higher level of protection. Users continue to run a significant risk of having their accounts compromised as long as passwords are still a required component of modern authentication mechanisms.

    CIAM solutions provide a solid approach to access management and authentication procedures. These platforms typically offer a smoother authentication process, such as biometrics, Single Sign-On (SSO), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and virtual keys. By using these techniques, marketers can ensure greater protection than what passwords can offer.

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