Forging B2B relationships in an Uncertain Business Landscape

    Forging B2B relationships in an Uncertain Business Landscape

    Organizations across all industries are making the best efforts to embrace the “new normal” at their best. And to successfully harvest this into the business operations, the only way forward is by strengthening their B2B relationships.

    The business landscape is witnessing a massive shift. From brands opting for remote work models in the field such as customer service or sales to traditional retailers finally coming to the terms of integrating technology to survive in the marketplace, the way to conduct business will never be the same again.

    Surviving in today’s dynamic business environment at first instance seems impossible. However, companies can move forward by strengthening their relationships with existing clients. Sales executives now stress upon the fact that the digital platforms have become increasingly important, in fact- twice as much as they were before the pandemic. This clearly means that the new normal doesn’t have a set of accepted standards, and could be a downward slide for the companies that insist on following their pre-COVID strategies. Every brand needs to move around their strategies and business methods to fit the demands of the new marketplace.

    To effectively generate more leads and conversions, it is imperative for B2B sales teams to build a strong reputation and nurture relationships. In an increasingly strained budget, this has become extremely difficult as it offers fewer opportunities for interactions with customers. This is a concern, and B2B brands must enable their sales team to forge strong relationships that will demonstrate value and will allow them to negotiate appropriately.

    Below are few steps brands can take to forge B2B ecommerce relationships that do not fall in the face of adversity:


    B2B e-commerce is still adjusting to the adverse effects of the pandemic. It has become nearly impossible and being considered as an irresponsible behavior to engage in any in-person interactions. Hence, brands need to take essential steps to create awareness among both the clients and vendors about their continued presence.

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    Taking steps such as sending out updates on a particular project, projects’ progress, and other potential ways help stakeholders understand the ongoing business initiatives. Also, brands can use video conferencing tools to discuss their pain points and continuously improve their business strategy.

    At the beginning, this will become repetitive, but it would take less time than one can think of if scheduled well. Furthermore, it will ensure that there’s accountability on both sides and allows the brands to constantly improve their products and services.

    Leveraging Technology

    A study by McKinsey states that 90% of B2B sales teams have migrated their operations to video conferencing, phone, or web sales models. Therefore, having the required outreach and collaboration tools enables brands to effectively communicate with their partners. Also, integrating hybrid technology for omnichannel selling, inside sales, or tech-enabled selling will become increasingly relevant.

    Implementing Novel Strategies

    B2B ecommerce space has come a long way and in the wake of the pandemic, the practices have evolved. It is not just about being updated with a database of potential customers, but also assuring them the brand can deliver highly competitive services even during the adversities such as the one that exist today.

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    Above are just a few examples of brands to strengthen and forge long-lasting alliances with their prospects and customers. Even while the new normal has set its deep root in our society, continuously evolving and building stronger relationships will still be a vital part of a brand’s success.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.