Five B2B Customer Experience (CX) Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

    CX Trends 2024

    As 2024 approaches, it is essential to anticipate the potential developments shaping the CX landscape. Changing customer expectations will drive the adoption of the newest CX trends to maintain a competitive edge.

    As per a recent report by Insightly,

    cx 2024

    Brands must establish a seamless and personalized CX delivery by understanding customer needs and redefining ways to engage and retain customers.

    Here are five B2B CX trends brands must watch out for in 2024.

    1. Personalization

    Personalization has become critical to maintaining a competitive edge. Marketers must harness the wealth of customer data available. They must use it to personalize product suggestions and tailor marketing communications and customer service interactions.

    As per a recent by Moengage, “Personalization Pulse Check 2023,


    In 2024, brands will rely on data-driven insights to deliver tailored suggestions based on customer interactions. Integrating AI and ML will help deliver hyper-personalized experiences. This will be the main weapon for fostering long-term loyalty.

    With growing awareness of data privacy, maintaining a balance between personalization and customer privacy will remain a challenge.

    2. Internal Alignment

    B2B brands must ensure very strong internal alignment to offer a seamless CX. This is important, as buyers will communicate with different departments. So, each team must know how their peers have interacted with the customers.

    Insightly’s report states that

    Customer ExperienceInternal alignment is essential because it helps-

    • Maximize ROI
    • Organize marketing calendar and campaign activities
    • Handle data management issues and privacy violations
    • Minimize the attrition rate

    For a solid internal alignment, CMOs must-

    • Derive correlations between different functions and define common objectives for them.
    • Define common goals for these functions in cases of overlaps.
    • Define and implement KRAs and KPIs that support the alignment.
    • Conduct sessions where different functional leads or team members share their knowledge and experiences

    3. Voice Search

    Market.US’ report states that

    Voice Search Market

    Voice search is set to gain popularity in the coming years, enabling customers to search for products or services on the go. This demands significant investments in voice-enabled tech and the need to optimize content for voice-driven searches.

    As per a recent survey by UpCity,

    • 58% of customers (ages 25-34) use voice search daily
    • 43% (ages 55+) use it weekly
    • 67% of customers (all ages) are very likely to use voice search

    Brands must optimize their websites and mobile apps to adopt this method. Then, they can provide their customers with convenient and efficient search methods using voice commands. In 2024, brands must use the power of voice assistance and tech-driven ML to deliver an even more convenient and personalized CX.

    4. Omnichannel Experience

    Customers expect to be able to seamlessly transition their interaction from one channel to another without repetitions or disruptions.

    A robust omnichannel experience will help brands build a unified identity across channels. This will enable consistent branding and messaging activities. It also requires tools to help track and analyze customer interactions across various channels. Then, brands can deliver personalized experiences based on this data.

    Brands must provide a seamless omnichannel experience to avoid losing their customer base to competitors. Delivering an omnichannel experience is about providing a coherent and personalized experience throughout all customer touchpoints.

    5. Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR)

    AR/VR has been a game-changer for the marketing industry. In the coming years, its transformative ability will extend its reach to engage and attract customers.

    B2B marketers must harness its power to redefine how customers interact with their products and services. AR and VR tools can create novel ways for customers to visualize and engage with products.

    Here are a few ways AR/VR can be used in B2B marketing.

    Also Read: Ten Customer Experience (CX) Myths

    • In Product Testing or Demo

    Marketers can build a VR prototype, allowing customers to experience the product. It also helps brands explain their products in virtual conferences to other businesses. Moreover, it offers a 360-degree view of the products, bridging the gap between the real and virtual world.

    • To Reduce Sales Time

    AR/VR helps B2B marketers create compelling product demos to attract other businesses. This way, the sales cycle begins instantly without any lags.

    But, increasing adoption of AR/VR will require brands to invest significantly in new technologies. They will also need to create content tailored to support these emerging experiences. This boosts customer engagement and satisfaction, resulting in a unique customer journey.


    In 2024, CX will be driven by technological advancements and shifting customer expectations.

    Brands must embrace hyper-personalization, deliver robust omnichannel experiences, and use voice search to deliver a solid CX. Moreover, harnessing AR/VR will redefine how brands interact with customers.

    By integrating them into their marketing strategies, brands can foster stronger CX, creating memorable interactions and long-term growth in the competitive B2B marketing landscape.

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