Enterprises Aim to Discard NPS as Their Success Standard by 2025

    Enterprises Aim  to Discard NPS as Their Success Standard by 2025

    Brands across different industry verticals are planning to abandon NPS and switch over to enhance CX metrics to evaluate customer services experiences -reveals Gartner evenly.

    In recent years, Net Promoter Score (NPS) has been a commonly used key performance indicator (KPIs) across brands globally. However, it time and again breaks to endow with actionable insights regarding customer service to business leaders.

    In fact, by the end of 2025, more than 75% of marketing leaders are planning to dump NPS as their measure of victory about customer service and support – reveals a recent Gartner study titled, “NPS Is Everywhere, but It’s Useless for Customer Service”. Customer services, as well as support leaders, are now aimed at building the case to remove Net Promoter Score.

    This is primarily being removed from their post-transaction surveys due to new challenges associated with making its data actionable. Hence, support leaders are actively looking beyond just NPS for a more substantial measure for customers’ experience and loyalty.

    Also Read: Most Enterprises Will Discard NPS as a Success Measure by 2025

    According to Deborah Alvord, senior director analyst at Gartner Customer Service and Support Practice – “The broad language used in the NPS metric captures customers’ intent based on their evaluation of more than just customer service, making it difficult to identify what actions customer service should take to improve performance.”

    The factors that make it tricky for customer service leaders to act on Net Promoter Score involve the price or quality of a product. It often confuses the root cause of customers’ evaluation. Consequently, the customer service suffers a lack of relevant insights, waste of time and resources analyzing NPS results from the transactional surveys.

    Despite such challenges, marketing leaders believe NPS is the most delicate indicator of loyalty. According to another Gartner study, roughly 58% of customer service leaders are required by their organizations’ executive leadership to measure Net Promoter Score.

    In reality, most CEOs use it for talking points and competitive positioning with the investors. This makes it trickier for specialists and business decision-makers to move executives away from that plan. Also, 33% of business heads are either unsure or disagree that NPS is valuable for customer service.

    Hence, Gartner recommends that business leaders need to consider certain factors to measure service and support CX efficiently –

    1. Drawing attention to various customer service experience measures by assessing customer service performance at an interaction level is the need of the hour. It could be done by capturing more actionable metrics – including customer satisfaction (CSAT), customer effort score (CES), and value enhancement score (VES).
    2. Creating the case to de-prioritize NPS within customer service from post-interaction surveys in customer service is crucial. It needs to be made by changing the center to other customer service metrics which present enhanced actionability.
    3. It is crucial to adapt NPS for customer service to measure by recognizing customer-service-specific influencers and root-cause drivers of Net Promoter Score while de-prioritizing its value.

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    Generally, the NPS metric seizes customers’ intent based on the evaluation of more than customer service. In this context, Deborah Alvord explained, “To move executives away from this perception, service and support leaders must begin using more valuable CX metrics than NPS.”

    She also added that if executive leadership requires NPS to be measured, it should be done in a way that meets expectations but doesn’t overvalue the importance of NPS in customer service.”

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.