Employees Missing out on Hyper-Personalized Digital Experiences: Applaud Report

    Employees Missing out on Hyper-Personalized Digital Experiences-01

    Most organizations are failing to provide their employees with hyper-personalized digital experiences. This is resulting in them not being able to keep a hold on their employees and attracting the top professionals in the market.

    The workforce experience layer, Applaud, in its latest report revealed a grim reality about employees’ digital experience. As per Applaud’s “The Digital Employee Experience Trends Report 2022,” less than 29% of enterprise organizations provide hyper-personalized digital experiences to their employees. This only gets when hyper-personalized experience across industries combined is less than 10%.

    The report took data from nearly 200 HR leaders across a diverse range of industries to know how they tailored digital employee experiences (DEX) in 2021. The report also provides a view of HR and their planning for 2022 to strengthen their DEX. The findings showed that while enterprise organizations are the ones paving the way to offer employees hyper-personalized experiences, there is still a considerable amount of work to be done.

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    With the implementation across multiple industries still remaining relatively static, organizations still are at massive risk of alienating their employees. Legacy workplace technologies are challenging to implement and may take longer than expected to be used across the organization. This is backed by the finding that nearly 48% of organizations still find it difficult to update their HR portals without support or developers. Additionally, only 31% of them are able to update some aspects independently of IT or developers. However, with the low and no-code applications breaking down technology barriers for non-technical employees, organizations are empowered to set up and rapidly deploy the use of technology.

    Major organizations are utilizing hyper-personalization to intentionally develop a better DEX with the hope of keeping hold of their existing employees while attracting the best talent in the marketplace. But, despite the known benefits of this kind of personalization, 63% of the respondents reveal that they offer no individual personalization in their DEX whatsoever.

    The consumerism of employee experience, along with a digitally mature workforce, is forcing organizations to think and reevaluate how they can achieve efficiencies. Innovative enterprises have come to the realization that a workforce engagement strategy is developed on executing the basics with utmost accuracy. Key events of employee experience such as joining, being promoted, and their salary day should be executed effortlessly and efficiently. Organizations should opt for AI in their HR process to embed this.

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    As per industry experts, the expectation of people is changing. Thus the commitment of business executives to employ people who desire to make a difference feel included are can be at their best means they need to meet them where they are. Organizations need to take steps to become more responsive, tailored and responsive to offer as well as drive creativity in how they present their staff HR experience via leadership, technology and policies.

    HR leaders should act with proactivity and agility when communicating with and updating their staff in 2022 and beyond. The potential of the HR teams to provide personalized and relevant information to their employees via their work tech will become even more critical than ever this year.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.