Email Marketing Is Still Essential for Brands Seeking Consumer Insights

    Email Marketing Is Still Essential for Brands Seeking Consumer Insights

    It takes forward-thinking leadership for every brand to look at customer lifetime value in a challenging and evolving marketplace.

    Even in this fast-paced digital era, email marketing is not only the proven old-school marketing technique but also has always been an easy channel for marketers across industries to operate efficiently.

    A new research study from the CMO Council and Deloitte Digital indicates that in this approach the target customers leave most of the data and information about their needs and expectations.

    The report titled “Humanizing and Analyzing Relationships to Drive Revenue, Retention, and Returns” revealed that e-mail (as per nearly 73% of marketers) is by far the best channel in terms of where consumers leave information and feedback – this involves their evolving demands and needs.

    Also Read: Email Marketing – The Most Popular Technique to Drive Revenue

    As per the statistics, the next tops marketing channels are social media platforms (54%) and online/ web forms (54%). Indeed the potential of the right email marketing strategy can rope in a considerable ROI for brands.

    Lately, the B2B marketers are reaching out to various users, creating instant demands, and improving their chances of targeting more customers via e-mails. Most brands in this pandemic era actively keeping track in order to make the most out of the e-mail campaigns.

    In fact, the email marketing campaigns are equally appealing to any new B2B marketing trends. According to a combined study by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and Marketing Profs, about 31% of the brands believe that email newsletters are a successful measure of marketing campaigns.

    The e-mail newsletters as well as the direct emails powered by social media marketing get companies satisfactory ROI – with minimal investment and efforts. Hence, re-thinking an old marketing metric and customer lifetime value can help close the marketing gap (if any).

    In terms of the effectiveness of e-mail as a channel for connecting with customers, most marketers (39%) indicated it as “very effective”, and around 17% said it is “extremely effective” for their brands.

    However, only 3% of the marketers reported it was not effective at all. Many suggested that there is still room for improvement around email utilization and personalization with the relevant content for better engagement.

    There are also issues surrounding the inbox placement rate. Another recent study by Validity showed that for most marketers (39%), the effectiveness of email marketing is holding steady. For another 30% of the respondents, it is improving slightly, and about 8% said it was improving significantly.

    Also Read: B2B Email Marketing Strategies 2023

    Given that, a vast majority of brands (67%) consider an inbox placement rate of nearly 89% or less – suggesting that many e-mails are still missing the target. Around 19% of marketers have an inbox placement rate of almost 90% or higher.

    As explained by Tim Greulich, MD at Deloitte Consulting LLP Operational Customer Experience Practice, “Brands can continue to build deeper and more loyal connections to customers at an enterprise scale by taking tangible steps to operationalize their customer experience feedback loops and measure customer value. We call the business discipline that guides these actions operationalized human experience.”

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.