Digital Imagery Is a Crucial Tool of the Modern-Age Marketing

    Digital Imagery Is a Crucial Tool of the Modern-Age Marketing

    More businesses are considering digital imagery as part of their marketing initiatives to remain a step ahead in the market.

    With the increasing usage of online marketing channels, more businesses are considering digital imagery as a priority. It is now a crucial element of marketing – in order to sustain in the evolving online marketplace. It is no secret that images are linked to marketing, to increase efficiency and transparency for a good reason.

    The visual marketing elements are instantly identifiable, which create trust and stir human emotions. Most brands rely highly on logos and attractive imagery for advertisements, messaging, and audience recognition. Even use-cases are becoming more complex with advances in technology and new channels popping up.

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    Undoubtedly, digital imagery is available everywhere. With the marketplace continuing its march towards digital-first communication, it is now increasingly critical for all types of businesses. Lately, the pandemic has urged the need for shopping, and thus, e-commerce images have taken the position of physical products.

    In its essence, websites provide the ultimate browsing experience. They encourage consumers to “window shop” anytime, anywhere – provided they have active internet connectivity. However, such convenience, too, has disadvantages since the experience is only virtual. Here comes the need for interactive, easily accessible, high fidelity digital imagery!

    For instance, online media, news portals, etc. also utilizes images to augment their audiences’ experience. Manufacturers use digital images to support the surge in custom parts and made-to-order. In this digital era, imagery is involved in several operations – marketing, CRM, product ERP, supply chain, and beyond.

    Even the IT teams in organizations are actively tasked with managing storage and delivery solutions of different digital assets. As images constitute a large part of the website content, they account for terabytes of data. Besides, many other aspects affect the customer experience, the business overall, and ultimately, the bottom line.

    Indeed, imagery today needs to be thought of as an enterprise-wide initiative demanding an enterprise-wide solution. These are not only a marketing tool, and that’s valid for ages – “An image is worth a thousand words”. Many market leaders are now well aware that image content has more value – they are worthy of a megabyte!

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    For brands that are way ahead of the curve and realize the value of imagery, the exciting fact is that there are new tools available, to offer optimal images on demand, spanning the entire business ecosystem. For most companies, the perception of imagery only as a marketing tool needs to be changed by studying evolving times.

    Clearly, imagery will steadily become more critical as digital tales over the physical in enterprise- and more organizations will realize that. Many bigger brands have already been utilizing images to boost marketing efforts, improve sales, and augment technology – ultimately enhancing customer experiences and global shareholder communications.

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    Sudipta Choudhury
    Marketing professional with experience in B2B and MR industry. Skilled in Marketing, Strategy Making, Copywriting and Content Creation, Sales, and SEO with excellent Communication Efficiency. Holding dual master's degree focused on Marketing from IBS, Pune and ICFAI University.