Digital Asset Management (DAM): Four Key Challenges to Overcome in 2022 


    Brands can stand out from the competition and make a favorable first impression on potential consumers by having a solid marketing foundation. Marketing professionals can fully appreciate the value of their marketing efforts by being aware of the DAM challenges.

    Despite the clear benefits of digital assets, many small and big companies struggle to manage them efficiently. Assets are misplaced, disorganized, lost, and very hard to locate. They are expensive and time-consuming to recreate. Employees have trouble navigating the complicated and perplexing web of rules governing the use of assets as a result of copyright constraints and the requirement for brand consistency. Mountains of assets amass as the amount of content produced rises to satisfy demand, making them even more challenging to manage.

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    It is obvious that companies require tools and procedures to manage their digital assets effectively. Digital Asset Management (DAM) is one technology that many companies embrace. Although DAM platforms have numerous advantages, they might not be suitable for all brands

    In order for marketers to choose the DAM system that would be most effective for their company, let’s examine the challenges associated with implementing one, regardless of the software.

    Time for implementation

    DAM solutions take a lot of effort to set up and successfully administer. Marketers will need to establish clear and understood guidelines for safeguarding their digital assets before investing in one. Marketers will also need to rename, reorganize, and tag their assets with metadata in order to conform to these standards. Additionally, to ensure they can personalize and set up the platform to their preferences, marketers may need to collaborate with their IT department. Security and permissions frameworks must be developed, teams must be trained and enrolled, and enriched assets must be migrated into the platform before marketers can employ it.

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    Lack of control and visibility

    The business’s lack of visibility and control over its digital assets is a significant issue. It may result in copyright violations, data loss, duplicate content, and other problems. Marketing professionals that utilize a DAM system have complete insight into their digital assets and have the power to manage who has access to them and when.

    Granular and precise content management eases the burden on the teams responsible for managing digital assets. Marketers also try to avoid the risks of duplication and copyright violations. This is considered to be the most crucial issue on the list of problems with digital asset management.

    Size and complexity

    Choosing a DAM platform that is the proper size and complexity for the company is the biggest obstacle in deploying one. Marketers need to give each platform in its price range the attention it deserves. Otherwise, marketers can pick one that is challenging to adopt and run, too huge and complex for their purposes. On the other hand, their selection could not have all the characteristics marketers need, might be too small to expand with their brand, and would consequently need to be replaced soon.

    Lack of compliance and security

    Providing a safe environment for digital assets is one of the most crucial components of managing them. Unfortunately, a lot of enterprises neglect to include this important feature in their management procedures. Additionally, many businesses do not adhere to even the most fundamental security norms and criteria.

    Digital asset security should be a top priority for organizations since it may include sensitive data that shouldn’t be in the wrong hands. Marketers can finely regulate who has access to the digital asset, who can change or remove it, and other factors by using DAM solutions. It should be the top priority to prepare for and conquer this obstacle.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain