Differentiation Through Innovation – Businesses Should Unite Employees to Deliver Advanced CX

Differentiation Through Innovation – Businesses Should Unite Employees to Deliver Advanced CX

Industry disruptors and leaders always have one thing in common – they master the art of uniting employees, empowering them with the latest technologies to achieve the common goal of meeting customers’ expectations.

Adopting the latest technologies keeping the customer ease intact will help firms achieve an exceptional experience for their customers. In 2019, over 80% of firms were planning to compete with each other, mainly based on the customer experience (CX) they deliver. Where the price was assumed to be the fiercest contender for B2B consumers, quality, service, and support are, in fact, more prominent factors driving the buying decisions. With consumer awareness and purchasing power soaring, CX is the most significant factor in driving B2B sales.

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Digital transformation is extremely business-critical to the B2B sectors. Technology remains the king, opening up new revenue streams to drive innovation and to respond to increasing customer expectations. After all, business embarks on the digital transformation journey to deliver the promise to be ahead of their competitors by serving their clients better.

But adopting technology is not the only ingredient to deliver a differentiating experience. To provide a game-changing disruption, technology needs to be supported by the people.

Spotting a great, innovative idea

Disruption is nothing but innovation that creates a new value network and market, eventually displacing the established markets and their leaders. These transformational ideas are powered by responding and understanding new behaviors to leverage underutilized technologies. Innovation is born from integrating the right people with the required skills to stretch a vision and deliver improved customer experience. In short, game-changing and business-transforming ideas are created when creativity and technology merge in a meaningful way.

The brand should create a difference in the consumer’s life

Research by Binet and Field revealed that brand building in B2B should account for about 46% of marketing spend with 54% focused on lead generation. It’s crucial to identify a distinct position within the competitor landscape, be honest about the business and build around a mission that people can identify with. This is what creates all the required brand differentiation and helps deliver exceptional customer experience. The B2C sector is full of simple ideas, executed perfectly, to make a meaningful difference to people. And the B2B firms need to do the exact same thing.

Creating a company culture with shared creative leadership

It is crucial for business leaders to embed game-changing thinking into the employees and inculcate innovation in the company culture. B2B organizations need to nurture the integration of profession and passion, encouraging people to be the driving force behind shaping business goals. Once the employees themselves decide on the company’s purpose and vision, they focus on aligning it with enhanced customer experience.

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So the businesses leaders should question employees on:

Passion: What is the ‘one thing’ that motivates the employees to work? What is their passion or their driving force, which fuels their creativity?

Purpose: How to decide on a common goal that brings the passions of all employees together? How to derive a binding force from unifying all employees to work towards the common goal?

Flow: How to create a working environment for teams to get immersed and motivated to work towards the common defined goal?

Risk-taking: How to stretch and risk beyond the comfort zone to deliver advanced CX?

Building every customer’s experience uniquely is what will help firms to cut through the market competition. Enterprises need to find the common thread to bring together employees with diverse talents, backgrounds, passions, and skillsets. Differentiated CX is only achieved when all the employees collaborate to work towards the common company goal of creating differentiation through innovation.