Debunking Three Myths About Contextual Marketing

    Debunking Three Myths About Contextual Marketing-01

    Although contextual marketing is still a relatively new concept, there are certain misconceptions or even myths circulating around among marketers. Marketers must dispel some of these misunderstandings in order to reap the benefits of putting context first in their digital marketing efforts.

    What are some of the advantages of contextual marketing? In a nutshell, it combines the consumer behavior, previous purchase trends, and the unique situation or environment in which he or she is currently located. Marketers can create completely personalized experiences for customers by understanding their context and making content and product recommendations that fit their demands.

    The COVID-19 pandemic, of course, changed the way people shop and connect with brands. It’s critical for companies to meet consumers where they are and provide relevant and proactive digital experiences in a world that has swiftly moved to remote working, remote social connection, and remote shopping. After all, in a sea of messaging, brands compete for consumers’ attention, and consumers will choose the brand that gives the best experience.

    This is where contextual marketing enters the picture. This strategy allows companies to modify their customer experiences to each customer’s changing “context,” which includes both customer journey behaviors and external circumstances.

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    Although contextual marketing isn’t really new, the time has arrived to use it in personalization. Personalization is only successful when marketers take a holistic approach to implementing these experiences, drawing on historical data and taking into account external elements that may influence the consumer. Thanks to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, the analyze customer preferences and act on them in real time and at scale has exploded.

    Contextual Marketing: Dispelling Myths

    Despite the fact that contextual marketing is a new concept, it didn’t take long for misunderstandings to arise among marketers. There are a lot of misconceptions about contextual marketing, but once marketers get beyond those, then they can start to see the benefits of embracing context in their digital marketing.

    Here are four common misconceptions about contextual marketing, as well as how to take advantage of the benefits of this effective marketing strategy:

    There is no need for a team of data scientists

    Yes, data is at the heart of contextual marketing. That isn’t to say that gathering data and analyzing it for insights necessitates a staff of data scientists. AI technologies are helping to make effective and scientific-driven data management easier, and data science is becoming more common in a marketer’s toolkit. The tools and resources marketers require will vary based on whether the company has an in-house data science or engineering staff.

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    Establishing contextual marketing practices in the team may appear to be a lot of work at first, but how the process is framed by the leaders is critical. For example, marketing leaders can discover chances to improve the consumer experience through personalization by focusing on data collecting early on and using it to develop relevant consumer insights. Understanding context in their digital marketing will empower them to make more informed decisions, saving them time and money in the long run.

    Have a specific business goal in mind

    Contextual marketing isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy that companies can deploy and cross off their to-do list. Instead, the success of contextual marketing is determined by how goals are created.

    What is it that marketers want to learn from their data? Do they want to boost sales by providing more personalized customer experiences through product carousels that are optimized? Do they want to use dynamic website advertisements to boost CRM registrations? Increase the number of people who engage with their long-form content by providing individualized content recommendations? Knowing what precise business goals marketers want to attain will assist them in determining the measures necessary to get there.

    Can take advantage of AI

    While using AI in digital marketing may appear scary or intimidating, it is an essential component of effective contextual marketing campaigns. Marketers can’t rely on manually curating every experience along each individual consumer journey when examining how to leverage data to personalize experiences for consumers at scale.

    Marketers can devote considerable time distilling data into actionable insights and making quick decisions about how to improve the customer experience thanks to AI’s predictive and automatic capabilities. This progresses them from simple optimization — such as seasonal purchasing recommendations — to the ability to automatically customize specific digital consumer experiences in real time depending on weather, date, and geolocation.

    To reach consumers and keep them engaged with their brand, marketers require a personalized consumer experience. Contextual marketing should begin at the first point of contact with a customer. If done correctly, it will streamline operations, free up marketing teams to take on more projects, and increase business ROI. Most significantly, it will increase brand stickiness and build consumer loyalty.

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